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/nomnomnom~ [10 Feb 2013|03:04am]

Meep. Hi, I'm LM and I'm pretty new to the whole ij thing, so forgive me if I make a few dumbs. Or a lot, whatever. I'm in CST, and have such a crappy sleeping schedule that I can't tell you for sure when I'll be on, except that it will be a lot and at weird times of the day. Pretty sure I can accommodate any time zone. I like to rp, and I know that sounds like a thing that's generally accepted in a roleplay comm, but really, I do, so give me ALL THE THREADS!

about my idiot )

lol i suck at these

aim: an evil hex [10 Feb 2013|11:52am]


hey, everyone. i'm c.m, twenty-something, geek. i work in a collective/bookstore/my own office because i'm applying to grad school, etc. despite what that might sound like i have way too much time on my hands and i'm on the internet quite a bit. uhm, i'm apping two other characters at the moment BUT i'm going to get this guy out of the way. there's a bit of history included here so anyone interested doesn't have to go through his effusive profile:

orion avery. slytherin '24. extremist. )

tl;dr, i look forward to playing with you all.

kiwi told me to keep it pg so my vocablary is severely restricted [10 Feb 2013|07:56am]

Alright, this is something I've never had to do before, so excuse me if this sucks. I'm Sam (or Samela or dumbass, which ever you prefer) and..yes. I'm 16 years old. I'm suffering through my sophomore year in highschool, has an thing for anything concerning the WWII-era and Batman. I cuss too much, use insults as a term of endearment and say yolo entirely too much for it to be ironic any more.

yolo )

I'm always happy to roleplay! Although, being in my sophomore year of highschool, at least a part of my time is going to be spent arguing with my textbooks and then, of course, having to go to actual school. BUT I'll definitely be replying to anything! Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in starting something with me, wow that sounds almost like a dating add, and I'm always open to plotting! However, I never start anything if I could avoid, sorry

[10 Feb 2013|09:12am]

My name is Miranda, I'm playing Hugo Weasley and I'm a 21 year old student in Boston who enjoys various fandoms, classic lit, not-so-classic lit, famous people with faces, coffee, feminism and various other things. I like writing a lot, so expect a lot of tangential one shots showing up at my journal. I'm also a sucker for fanmixes. I can be reached on tumblr or at aim if you need to talk to me and I'm around most of the time.

about the dumbfaced boy )

Glorious Chaos [10 Feb 2013|07:40pm]

Hey, I'm Eris, one of the two mods in this game. I'm 22, female, and living in the heart of Middle Earth. I'm literally on the opposite side of the world from Evie, so it'll always be daytime for one of us when you want to reach us. I'm decent at coding, so I did the coding around here and also I run a theme blog on tumblr. I can also art. Kinda. Not really. You'll be seeing fanart from me on my characters' blogs from time to time. The best way to reach me is through AIM, so if you haven't joined the AIM group, go do so.

my boys )

oh hai [09 Feb 2013|11:53pm]

I'm Kitten and I play James Potter. I'm 27 years old and female. I'm going to school for Political Science and writing is my passion/hobby. I would love to role play or plot at anytime. I am reachable on AIM and MSN messenger most of the time. I live in Minnesota where it's cold and no one ever really leaves the house regardless of what we claim. I'm excited to be a part of the game and get to play with new people. So yeah... message me, tag me, use and abuse me. I love it! :)

About James )

[09 Feb 2013|02:24pm]

hello hello!

for those who don't know me, i'm evie. i'm a mod and i play two lovely ladies, one of which is the daughter of the legend himself so, you know, you should probably want her autograph too. but a little bit about myself - i'm a student, currently living in northern ireland but i'm english (so that's gmt timezone where all the cool kids live). i like ladies and coffee and cats, in the most unoriginal trio of likes ever. also fanmixes and lots of hipsterish acoustic music, yes good. expect lots of hipsterish acoustic mixes for this rp, i'm not even kidding. generally i'm on every day, about half an hour in the mornings and more in the evenings. feel free to contact me anytime, but i apologise if i'm not able to answer right away! also, hit me if i don't get tags done. no really.

and about ms lily luna )

and on a more general note, i just want to say a big hello and can't wait to play with you to everybody, even dumbasses (you know who you are). i'm so so excited to get this game up, and i hope that everybody has fun playing! please don't hesitate to talk to me and ask me about anything, i'm always willing to talk and answer. so yes, now it's time for fireworks and confetti and wizard angst, hurrah!

Meet Melaina ♥ [09 Feb 2013|02:07pm]

Or, you know, run and hide from her )

WE ARE OPEN ✘ [09 Feb 2013|02:04pm]

Time to start up new threads, get to know people, and generally have a blast! Please use this forum to introduce your character. It's a great place to organise threads!

A NEW BEGINNING ✘ [20 Jan 2013|12:06pm]

We, Evie and Eris, have been working hard to bring this game over from tumblr. We are now in the final stages, doing the last tweaks before we open the game to everyone. At the present, anyone bringing a character across from the old game is welcome to start a flashback thread in the roleplay forum. Two have already been started if you wish to see an example. You do not need to submit an audition for playing a flashback thread, so long as the character you are using is one that was already approved in the old game.


For those of you who are coming over from tumblr, the most important thing you can do right now is to create an account for your character(s) and fill out an audition. Characters that you are bringing over from the old game are automatically accepted, but we would like you to fill out an application for them anyway.

New characters will need to complete an audition and have it accepted before they can start playing. We have already had 4 applications submitted and welcome more.


If you need help setting up a journal, please contact Eris or Evie, either via the AIM blast group or by means listed below:

Eris: @youdontmeanit on twitter | youdontmeanit on tumblr | erisnoteros on AIM
Evie: cosettess on tumblr | amelioratess on AIM

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