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[17 Jul 2013|12:35am]
I'm fairly certain that I was in Hogsmeade no more than five minutes ago, but somehow I've wound up in Diagon Alley. I haven't started apparition lessons yet, and I don't have my license at any rate. And unless the peppermint toad I just picked up is secretly a port key, I haven't a bleeding clue how I got here.

Somehow Artemis is with me, also, but I left her in my dorm. Nothing about this is making sense.

I just need to get back to Honeydukes, pay for this before they ban me from the store, and then get to the bookstore before it gets crowded. If anyone can point me to the nearest floo, I'd appreciate it.
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[17 Jul 2013|01:14am]
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[17 Jul 2013|10:13am]
[ daddy ]

[ ... ] What are you doing, now that we can go home?

[ astrid ]

Thank you. Thanks for bringing me on this trip. Even if
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[17 Jul 2013|10:18am]
I wasn't going to tell you until it happened, but I have news and I can't keep it to myself a moment longer.

I'm going raiding tonight for supplies. There's a lot to get. Come with me. We've also got some things to discuss, plans for the little one. I know you know better than I when it comes to these things, but if we're going to do this together...
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[17 Jul 2013|11:14am]
Best find ever? I think so.

P.S. If anyone I know is choosing to leave, let me know beforehand, yeah?
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[17 Jul 2013|11:35am]
So...I've inherited a store and I really don't know what I'm doing. So now..not only am I a designer, but an owner as well. Looks like I'm starting on Fall's collection now.

It'd be great if my girls could...help me run this joint. I'm going to need managers and...girls who are not afraid to tell others that what they are trying on looks horrible because you both know..I can't do that.

It'd be nice...
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[17 Jul 2013|12:29pm]
So, I've already made it through a major identity crisis in the first 24 hours. Good thing I never had any real interest in genealogy, because I have a feeling Ancestry.com wouldn't have been able to figure out this one.

Anyway, since it turns out that getting back won't be quite as easy as catching a train at Kings Cross, guess I might as well introduce myself properly. I'm Darius Black, and since this is actually relevant information, I'm from the year 2015. I'm seventeen, and, therefore, am entirely uninteresting. I go to Hogwarts, I'm a Ravenclaw, I'm the team's keeper, blah blah blah.

Anyone really cool here? Like Merlin or Dumbledore? Maybe Winston Churchill? Or better yet, Jackie Kennedy/O.?
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[17 Jul 2013|03:16pm]
It's a bloody free-for-all, isn't it?
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[17 Jul 2013|04:26pm]
So [...] what do we do if the whole 'go home' bit is broken?
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[17 Jul 2013|04:54pm]
[...] Fleur? Victoire? What's going on? Why is everything different?
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[17 Jul 2013|04:56pm]
Is this some sort of test? I wasn't aware there was a portkey involved when taking the Mark. [Rodolphus], did you know about this? I would've dressed more appropriately for the occasion. [...] Not that it's stopped anyone else, it seems. A girl just wandered past in what I can only describe as a rather festive belt, and nothing else. Foul.

I loathe Muggle London.

Now what?
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[17 Jul 2013|06:31pm]
Congratulations on the upgrade from lab rats to residents of the new world order. My world and its people thank you. I thank you as well. [...] Certainly, I can imagine that I am a face that most of you would rather not see, but what I did was for the good of my homeland.

My real name is Dr. Kathleen Monroe. I am seventeen, sixteen when I was last here. If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask them. Please note that whatever I did while you were in my care was not personal. It was about the pursuit of data.
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[17 Jul 2013|07:00pm]
her James
Whatcha thinkin, Lincoln?
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[17 Jul 2013|07:28pm]
I am going to kill you.
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[17 Jul 2013|08:27pm]
[ regen ]

Family dinner before the weekend would be nice. Even if we aren't family by blood, we're still [ ... ]

So. Headcount?
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[17 Jul 2013|08:54pm]

I don't see the compound. Is this something different?

Ara, Jamie, Rose? Ted, Hermione? Who is here?
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[17 Jul 2013|08:54pm]
You all made it! As nice as it was to have time with my son, I've missed being surrounded by people.
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[17 Jul 2013|08:59pm]
Two years ago, I spent the new year with a small native tribe. They found me so fascinating that they asked me to leave, fearing that they'd come to treat me as an idol and damn themselves to an eternity in hellfire. I imagine that this place had much the same idea in mind.

I knew I'd be back, though.
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[17 Jul 2013|09:53pm]
With the new state of this place, I'm going to take advantage of what I've got. I'm headed to London for a bit to look for acting jobs.

Would anyone like to go with me?
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[17 Jul 2013|09:54pm]
It's interesting that I was taken just to be brought back only a few weeks later once everything is over. I'd like to stay this time, if possible, which seems very likely.

Captain Epsilon
I suppose it's Richard now, isn't it? [...] Is it possible to have my old room back?
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[17 Jul 2013|10:01pm]
[...] They say the third time's the charm.
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[17 Jul 2013|10:39pm]
I knew that bloody door was faulty.
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[17 Jul 2013|10:42pm]
Who: Sirius and RemusKnap
What: Saying good-bye
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Their house
Warnings: None

... )
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[17 Jul 2013|10:50pm]
Who: Mini and Richard (Epsilon)
When: Right after this
Where: Mini's flat
What: Richard would like to call upon Mini.
Warnings: IT'S SO FLUFFY?

Read more... )
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