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[16 Jul 2013|12:17am]
Confucius said, “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” I take my heart with me and within my heart all of you.
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[16 Jul 2013|12:43am]
We should talk...

[Aunt Lilys & H. Potters]
I'm really glad to have gotten the chance to meet you all. Mum's going to need you. Far more than I will. I know what I'm going back to and she will [...] really need you. So please look after her if you're staying.
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[16 Jul 2013|12:44am]
Who: Ginnyukr and Harrythg
What: Tears
Where: Their flat

This was it )
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[16 Jul 2013|01:11am]
Weasley conglomeration?
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[16 Jul 2013|01:12am]
[Regen world]
Who's staying and who isn't?
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[16 Jul 2013|01:37am]
We stay.
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[16 Jul 2013|03:09am]

What happens? If we don't go back? On one hand, I miss Charlus more than I can ever say, and I'm never going to give up hope he'll turn up here. On the other hand, there are so many people here that I love, that I care about. And I won't get the chance to see them for years, if at all.

I'm afraid what it would mean though, if I chose to stay. Does staying so I can be with them mean that they won't exist? My future children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, I mean. That I'd have damaged the timeline somehow? I honestly don't know, and I don't know how to make this choice. Not without knowing I won't mess everything up simply by being here.
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[16 Jul 2013|06:40am]
This is what freedom feels like. True, honest, freedom. I never thought I would feel this way again.

I feel... Magnificent!

[Roommate Cho]
Have you thought about if you are going to stay or go?
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[16 Jul 2013|07:06am]
So what are we going to do? I want to ask the kids too, of course, but I think we should talk about the adult concerns separately. Mainly, what I'm worried about is how these Death Eater types are now unsupervised by the scientists.
What do you guys think?
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[16 Jul 2013|08:17am]
[Dorababy (THG)]
Of course I would never blame you for whatever decision you make but... please don't leave.
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[16 Jul 2013|10:17am]
Warded to Olivermercy
You stayin'?
Warded to: Nymph Club
What you all doing?
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[16 Jul 2013|12:09pm]
We won the Game.

I told you I'd keep you safe, didn't I?
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[16 Jul 2013|12:27pm]
I don't want to have to ask but... I also don't want to presume.

What are you thinking, babe?
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[16 Jul 2013|01:13pm]
his Tonks.
What are we doing?

Are you---

I want to be with ---

Radical change in events?

Wolf Pack.
Hey, Erin.
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[16 Jul 2013|01:27pm]

Every end is just another beginning.

That is what I am choosing to tell myself.
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[16 Jul 2013|01:49pm]
Wonderful time for my return, I see.
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[16 Jul 2013|02:57pm]
So, what happens now?

We stay here until we decide to leave, or, until it all fades away?
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[16 Jul 2013|03:06pm]
I know this isn't the best timing, but it's better to try and establish order sooner rather than later, yea? Weren't there rumblings of a Ministry? And people interested in taking over the school? I'd like to sign up to be that person's first employee.

[ Juniper Mockingbird Lupin ]

I guess the honeymoon's officially overNew flat?
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[16 Jul 2013|04:39pm]
I'm staying. There is nothing for me back home. I care so mu I lo I would follow you to the ends of the earth. Please don't leave
Knew it was the end-game. I'm not going anywhere. And for the record?

Fuck Death Eaters. Fuck the Dark Lord. And fuck the war that ruined all of our lives. I officially renounce the lot of it. I'm done. My new life starts today.
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[16 Jul 2013|04:51pm]
Scientists: Are we allowed to know our futures before we decide to go home? I don't want to make a mistake. But I miss my childre
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[16 Jul 2013|04:58pm]
This is my home now.
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[16 Jul 2013|06:07pm]
Perhaps no one cares to greet people anymore, but the town gates Alpha is using has a new greeting card. The man’s not such a mystery: knowledge before everything else. It doesn’t have to go too far. But it can. So long as it does, sir, expect reminders.

Now, I’m here, I’m back. I want to see my kids.
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[16 Jul 2013|06:23pm]
I'm not leaving.

In honour of those who have been taken, who have chosen to leave, and those to us who choose to stay, I'll be taking over the station tonight.

Starting with some AC/DC.

People start throwing in your requests.
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[16 Jul 2013|06:29pm]
There is a whole life back home, but there is Lorcan here I don't want to go just yet.

Dora. The TARDIS is gone. Well [...] not you, but the other one. Build a new one with me?

But I will miss you. I know you would understand. I have you at home and you have me. If you ever do show up, then it will make here even more wonderful.

[Maman, Daddy, and Dora]
Is anyone planning to go back? It's alright if you are. I thought I would ask, though.
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[16 Jul 2013|07:09pm]
Yup, three for three on the pants.

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[16 Jul 2013|07:12pm]
You lot brought me here, there is no way my arse is going back.

...you still here?
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[16 Jul 2013|07:23pm]
So where's this new place? What happened to the "Down with love" world? Shit.

Arayna? Marek?
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[16 Jul 2013|08:09pm]
- Don't feel hungover, but not sure how I got here. Not even sure what part of London this is. Then again, not all that familiar with London. Must have blacked-out. Last thing I remember was talking to Pat at Amy's party. Strange there's no hangover. Probably shouldn't question it.
- Don't know who's journal this is. It's empty. Disappointing.
- Parents will kill me if they find out something is amiss. Need to get back. Have to figure out how to get to Kings Cross from here. Should probably just find a cabbie.
66 comments|post comment

[16 Jul 2013|08:49pm]
I don't know where I am or how I got here. Okay, deep breaths.

Cut for image- this doodle gradually appears as she draws it )
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[16 Jul 2013|09:19pm]
Well, this has all been very interesting, but I do believe my sister and I will be going home now.

Juniper, the keys to the shop are yours.

Juniper Pettigrew
If anyone from Interpol should drop by asking about diamonds, tell them we went to Mexico and didn't leave a forwarding address. I doubt it'll be a problem, though, we're very good. We left a little something for you, as well. Legally obtained. Mostly Call it a wedding gift.

Daphne Greengrass
Take care of yourself. I know we weren't really friends, but Melinda liked you, so I think that merits some unsolicited free advice: I think you're more resilient than you realize. And in the end the only one who decides how free you are is you. Make the most of this chance, dear. She'd want you to be free.

Inter-dimensional jewel thieves. I do hope we remember that part.

Well, also that the diamonds come with us.
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[16 Jul 2013|09:20pm]
I don't know whether to stay or go! I love everyone. But [Andromeda] and my future
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[16 Jul 2013|10:23pm]
Hello everyone, I would like to meet you all properly. I am Dr. Evelyn Graham, though the name Dr. Xi might tell more to those of you used to greek letters. Those who've been paying attention might be able to guess more from the first. And Mr. Black, Mr. Ridgebit, I do hope you allow a space for +1 on my wedding invitation. I'll have a date, and I look forward to dancing at the reception.

It certainly took long enough to build this lovely place. For those of you with experience in healing, in medicine, or who have an interest in research, I will be continuing my abandoned research on a floor of your hospital in this town, St. Mungo's. There are risks, even though we will not have patients here if all goes without incident. It's claimed my life once before.

Warded to: Oscar
How long exactly has this been possible, and why didn't you do it sooner? Was this why you refused that charming man? My muscles aren't actually feeling sore are they, some kind of phantom pains from being two dimensional too long?
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[16 Jul 2013|10:26pm]
Où est la plage? Où sont mes filles! Pourquoi était-il pas une pièce?
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[16 Jul 2013|10:26pm]

[...] I don't think we expected to see any of you for a fair bit longer.
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[16 Jul 2013|10:31pm]
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[16 Jul 2013|10:33pm]
I see we've all found our way to this world, at last. I never thought living in a city could be so fulfilling.

[Abby, Siri]
Are my little sisters still here? I've missed you both more than you know.
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[16 Jul 2013|10:36pm]
Oh. I suppose this means I am not in Sweden anymore.

I only have my wand in my hand outside of this journal and I know I didn't have this journal when I was in Sweden, so I'm not sure how I got here. There were gates...

72 comments|post comment

[16 Jul 2013|11:26pm]
his Padfoot.
Are we going home?
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[16 Jul 2013|11:56pm]

Well [...] this is new.

They'll look for me, you know. You can't rightly steal a person from his bed without asking. It's quite rude.
58 comments|post comment

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