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[20 May 2013|12:13am]
Warded to Purple Mustache Lady
If you do a trade, I'd like Kate in my forest.
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[20 May 2013|12:17am]
Where the hell is my Moony.
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[20 May 2013|12:27am]

Where is he? I can't-

I cannot seem to find my brother colour!Sirius. I can't- I was going to find him to talk about how the talk with Mother went something.

He's not...

[his Narcissa]
I can't.
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[20 May 2013|01:34am]
Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality
Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see

I want to be with Seen.
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[20 May 2013|10:24am]
Damn it.

I'm sorry about your Padfoot. And Suave Moony.
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[20 May 2013|12:44pm]
Who's been here over a year, without any field trips home? After that, those with field trips who remember the whole year? And after that those with field trips who don't remember?

I'm in the second group myself, having got here May 6, last year, and I've had a 5 minute break from this place total.
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[20 May 2013|01:40pm]
An excerpt:
"Is it an anti-war book?"
"Yes," I said, "I guess."
"You know what I say to people when I hear they're writing anti-war books?"
"No. What do you say, Harrison Starr?"
"I say, 'Why don't you write an anti-glacier book instead?"
What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that, too.
And even if wars didn't keep coming like glaciers, there would still be plain old death.

So it goes.

[Mr. Iota]
Can we talk? I have a question for you. Maybe several.
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[20 May 2013|03:48pm]
How was this possible? Allowing limited violence is one matter... But murder? I don't understand what's gotten into you scientists, but you should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing this kind of behavior.
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[20 May 2013|04:33pm]
I knew the people who left. That Remus was nice to me. Sirius had only just started talking to me. He told me why he disliked me. He was the first to be honest and upfront about it instead of telling me it wasn't important for me to know because that version of me wasn't the same. I wasn't her.

People tell me that all the time. They always tell me how different I am. He was the only one that explained why.

I think I am quite over visions of the future and people disappearing.
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[20 May 2013|04:50pm]
I'm tired.

[Regen world]
There's a Justin here. He's not mine, though.
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[20 May 2013|05:40pm]
Tomorrow is already my birthday. Do I count this as 26 or still 25? I wasn't from long after my birthday the last time I showed up. It seems very strange to suddenly be 26 when I haven't even be 25 for that long...
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[20 May 2013|07:22pm]
Confession: unlike my sisters, I'm not really interesting enough to write in here on a regular basis. It's a burden I have to carry, I'm afraid.
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[20 May 2013|07:57pm]
her James
Let's get off the compound for a little while.
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[20 May 2013|10:32pm]
Food Porn )

So these, I gather, have been commandeered for birthday celebrations. All credit to my daughter.

More Food Porn )

This, on the other hand, is my own work. First come, first serve, eat at your own risk?
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[20 May 2013|10:41pm]
So it's come to my attention that in the time I've been gone, flight lessons have fallen by the wayside. As we seem to be in a world that's fairly stable and placid, I'd like to suggest reinstating them. Nothing too intensive, but everyone should know how to fly and those that do know how to fly should be able to work together.
We'll take a little time to get back on our feet, but if advanced and intermediate fliers would be willing to have a meeting after lunch tomorrow on the pitch by Tau-Pi tower. Anyone who's not comfortable on a broom, looking to learn, I'll be out there at 4:30 every day I don't have somewhere else to be. Anyone wanting to help out off ground, I'd be more than happy to have you.

-R.J. Hooch

[Warded to Captain Epsilon]
Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but any chance of getting my old things back?
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[20 May 2013|11:01pm]
data )
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