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[19 May 2013|12:45am]
Unwinding can be so difficult without the proper equipment.
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[19 May 2013|12:51am]


But I'll be nice and include my adorable self.

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[19 May 2013|01:25am]
Hey, Alpha, a recommendation? Maybe my Dad or Luke or even Alba. Kinda been missing them.

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[19 May 2013|12:09pm]
I 'm dead, right? That's the only explanation I can come up with for waking up in this strange little room, with a not-doctor standing over me in this terribly comfortable bed after having been nearly blown off the street in Diagon Alley. I'm assuming I'm no longer in Diagon Alley. But, well, everything still hurts, so perhaps not dead. Perhaps head trauma? I'm hallucinating. That's it! That has to be it. Why else would I be writing this all down in this book? Besides that they told me I could. Keep track of my hallucinations!

Weird house.
Comfy bed.
Strange new journal waiting for me.

Head trauma. I wonder how to get to St. Mungos from hallucination land. Perhaps a left at Disbelief Lane and stay right at the Fork?

Either way, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have signed myself up for experimentation.
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[19 May 2013|01:08pm]
I think I'll stay inside now.
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[19 May 2013|02:53pm]

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[19 May 2013|05:51pm]
Who: Walburgathg and Alphardcolour
Where: Their room!
When: Backdated to after Alphard's arrival
What: Siblings!
Rating/Status: Low-Medium/Incomplete

Read more... )
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[19 May 2013|07:42pm]
Compound-wide pub crawl after the fashion show, y/y?
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[19 May 2013|09:09pm]
block trade


They were informed via being warded out of their flats at 9pm today and finding their maps remarked with their new flat, and by their pins / journals changing letters. Their things were moved beforehand.

Daphne Greengrass is now Pie, and Dominique Weasley is now Epsilon.
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[19 May 2013|09:28pm]
Again. I thought things were supposed to be different here. That we were to be treated as people, instead of play things that are to be passed around when our owners tire of us and we provide no further amusement for them. Every day this place gets more and more like my home. It makes me wonder why I was ever brought here to begin with.

I need you.
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[19 May 2013|09:37pm]
I like green. Green is good.

Hello new scientist. Epsilon, I think? My Greek is very rusty.
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[19 May 2013|09:43pm]
Do you ever feel like the walls are watching you?
47 comments|post comment

[19 May 2013|10:29pm]

Cool. Figured out how to get pics from my phone onto this thing. Although I'm not actually sure why anyone would want to see them, but now you all know what I looked like that one summer I had blue hair.

Everyone at the pub crawl, feel free to be afraid of whatever picks I took of y'all.
7 comments|post comment

[19 May 2013|10:44pm]
Teacuuuup, where are yoooooou?

Juni, your show was flawless and I love your silly face.

Minini, I want a fashion show of my own. Like a tiny clothes slaggy show. Come assist, plz. I want to put the troll in tiny shorts and shit, the usual.
27 comments|post comment

[19 May 2013|11:33pm]

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