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October 8th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hello Everyone!

My name is Dea and I'm a newbie to your game. I'm bringing with me Fleur Weasley who you probably already know from the books. She's still happily married to Bill, the mother to Victoire and Dominique and a working cursebreaker. Her English has vastly improved after living and working in England so long, but sometimes she plays up her ignorance and accent to get out of things she doesn't want to do. To her friends she is loyal and caring, to strangers she is nice but can also seem abrupt and even snotty. She doesn't always mean to be condescending, but she's blunt, honest and doesn't always know how to soften her sentiments. She's a member of the dueling club at Finnigans and tries to get to yoga, but fails 90% of the time.

I would love to talk plot and look forward to playing with all of you!



[No Subject]

Hey friends! I'm Emily, and Bill Weasley is here to enchant you )