Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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One down [Oct. 2nd, 2007|08:59 am]

Yay! My fic for [info]phoenix_flies has been posted. The link is here. The story turned out really well, if I do say so myself.
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Introduction and Getting Started Meme [Oct. 2nd, 2007|01:10 am]

Name: Sue Monroe
Fandom(s) you are working on for this fest: Harry Potter
Participation: Writer

The one item from your list that you most want to complete: [info]snape_after_dh. The deadline is looming awefully close.
Items with a deadline other than this fest: ummm... all of them, yikes.
Most fun item on your list: So far? [info]santas_lap
Item you are dreading the most/need the most encouragement on: Right now the [info]snape_after_dh

How do you start a project? I print the prompt, sit down with a notebook and simply write whatever ideas come to mind. Then I go back and organize it into some semblense of a plot and go from there.
In what conditions do you work best? Whenever the kids are reasonably quiet. Music helps, I have two playlists especially for writing. Often chatting on the IM as well seems to help for some reason.
One thing that always inspires you to create: Well, one thing that helps is I look over my favorite pics of the characters I'm writing.
One general thing you would really like to improve on: Productivity. Often, even when I have the time, I can't seem to force myself to be productive, I end up goofing off instead.
Advice and/or questions regarding the creative process that you have for the other members of the community: Never give up.

A teaser from something you've got at least partially done: Yeah, from the one I've whined about.

Teaser within )
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Sue's List [Sep. 21st, 2007|08:34 am]
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Tried a to-do list, thought having all those stories staring me in the face would help, but it didn't. So we'll try this for motivation.

The List )
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