Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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One Thing Done---10 Million to Go [Oct. 25th, 2007|02:22 am]


At least I can cross one thing off my list. I have my sims blog updated with the Turner Family Season 5.

Season 5 Turner Family

Nich, Klaus, and Daniel struggle while their brother is away at college. Maintaining a house is harder than the boys imagined. Will and Shenene get married. How will the family readjust when the newlyweds move home?

Or, catch up on all the families at Emerald Isle.

Still never going to finish my huge list of fanfic. I'm trying to at least finish a few things and continue to make progress on the big things.
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The incredible shrinking list [Oct. 24th, 2007|10:45 pm]

[Tags|, ]

[info]sassy_cissa and I finished our [info]phoenix_flies fic. It's being sent to the beta now and then on to the mods for posting. I'll post a link here when they put it up at the community.

This leaves me with just two fics left on my list. YAY!!
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[Oct. 25th, 2007|01:18 am]
[Current Location |couch]
[Current Mood | depressed]
[Current Music |(world series game on tv)]

Snaco exchange fic done ... just waiting for mods to open the community and start the posting. This piece has been my sole focus for the last two months. Yesterday morning it was horrible, and now I think it is fine to post.

Now I can work on some other stories.
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God.... [Oct. 24th, 2007|04:46 pm]


5 max/logan fanfic100s
12 rachel/alec fics being beta'd
rps with Alec done, currently being fixed by Alec's mun for errors and getting prettied.
prompts done for the voices within.

I sound like that 12 days of xmas song. God help me.

I've never had anything beta'd before lol. Now my wrist and my brain are broken, dead and hurt.

NaNo is 6 days away....lovely...

chocolate chip cookies anyone?
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ANOTHER ONE DOWN! W00t! [Oct. 24th, 2007|03:01 pm]

[Current Mood | pleased]

AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
FANDOM: Angel/Supernatural Crossover
DISCLAIMER: Wow, so not mine on either count! Thanks be to Whedon and Kripke for use of their respective sandboxes. And hot, slashable characters. *G*
WARNINGS: Slashy goodness, angst
PAIRING(S): Angel/Dean Winchester
TIMELINE: Post-NFA, AU SPN Season 3-ish
SYNOPSIS: Angel has only one answer to Dean's questions.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is part of a much larger story that I'm writing in fits and starts, but... you know how I love the porn. It exists for its own sake. *G*
FEEDBACK: I'd love some, thank you!
PROMPT(S): [info]getlaid25 prompt .025 Angel/Dean Winchester

Thanks to my beloved [info]thenyxie for more reasons than I can count -- not least of which is getting me all cracked out on SPN to begin with. And always encouraging my naughtiness.

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1 more to go! [Oct. 24th, 2007|06:39 pm]

I've finished the [info]snarry_holidays fic and I'm reasonably happy with it. It's been sent off to the person who is hopefully still betaing for me, and with any luck I'll have the whole thing done and dusted before nano starts. This leaves me with only one fic to write - the last [info]snape_after_dh one. I have a sort-of idea but finding time to write it is another thing entirely. I may do a meme just to get me back in the writing zone, since the last couple of week have seen virtually no writing at all :-)
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Update on Kynx Fic's [Oct. 23rd, 2007|09:31 pm]
[Current Location |Bed]
[Current Mood | contemplative]
[Current Music |Chevelle]

Finished fic's -

1/ 30 Seconds to Mars RPS - Hotel Rooms and Handcuffs
Rating – Adult
Word Count -- 3442
Summary – Porn laced with crack? Cracky, post-gig, PWP.

5/ Drarry gift fic - Costume Confessions and Paranoid Obsessions
Rating – Adult
Word Count – 3579
Summary – Set in the Glittery Wings and Sparkly Things universe, which can be found HERE. In this fic, Harry’s drunk and Draco’s paranoid and cracked out hilarity ensues.

2/ Hermione/All Malfoys - The Road to Hell... - currently at Beta-shop.
12k words and we're both so very excited about this one :D

Still to be written -

3/ Start next installment of w-mail fic and we aim to do 2 chapters this month - perhaps next week while sitting in a pub drinking.

4/ Crack fic - How the Marauders got their name. Started planning this one tonight.
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[Oct. 22nd, 2007|10:17 pm]


I finished my original story and turned it in!
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Update [Oct. 23rd, 2007|12:10 am]

[Current Mood | pleased]

Aaaand, my [info]phoenix_flies fic went up today. :)
See it HERE.
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I have to ask... [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:32 pm]

I think it's alright to post this:

But how is everyone dealing with the last little bit of pressure that there's only a week or so left to finish_a_thon?

How's everyone doing on their list?
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Update [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:22 pm]


I've been getting a lot done, unfortunately some of the Alec/Ben Fics I can't link to as they are written up (it's about 10, all drabbles, nothing long)

stuff that's actually viewable )

All fics are rated pg-13 unless otherwise stated.

Also my fic journal is now completely tagged, memoried and pretty:
One more thing crossed off my list.
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W00t! I finally finished something! *G* [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:26 pm]

[Current Mood | accomplished]

My entry for the "Anything But" ficathon on LJ is done and posted.

It's adult only, Whedonverse porn ficlet, but if you're of age, feel free to stop by: Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie.

Now on to the next goal!
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Two more down! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|01:46 pm]

[Current Mood | relieved]

Well, another two fics are done and off to the beta! *glee*
My [info]hd_inspired Mpreg fic is done and my [info]harry_holidays fic is also done and at the beta, so whew!

Now onto the other fests. I'm hoping that since they are Snarry they'll go fast. *g*
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Another one bites the dust! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|12:30 pm]


I hope the double posting is all right as I just finished and got this back from the beta. I seem to be on a roll and am going to tackle the fest fics next. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you as well!

Title:Nothing Else Matters
Author: unbroken_halo
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Company belong to JK Rowling. No money was made writing this bit of fiction. Cadbury's Flake belongs to the Cadbury's company.
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Summary: If there was one thing that Harry knew for certain about Severus, it was that Severus loved chocolate.
Highlight for Warnings: *Food smut, semi-rough sex *
AN: Written for [info]chiralove 's birthday. I apologize that this is so late, darling. It wasn't until today that the ending just hit me. I hope you enjoy this as you who write so much food smut for all of us, a little bit for you in return. Thank you to the fabulous [info]eeyore9990 for the beta.

Nothing Else Matters
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Finished another [Oct. 22nd, 2007|01:01 pm]

I finished my last [info]snape_after_dh fic. Changing the Future. Which is a relatively short Snape fic with the prompt Hermione's Time Turner.

And admittedly probably won't even get to begin the other two. I may actually have to drop the [info]30_somethings claim all together for lack of time lately. And at the moment I have 2 other ficathons that need to be done before I can even consider working on Answers again.
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Finished another one! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|08:45 am]


YAY! Finished another and I am sharing the pron with ya'll!

Title: Scaling The Top
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Element(s)/Pairing: Rimming, Vibrator ~Charlie/Harry
Spotlight Month: October
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry and Charlie switch places for a night.
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter and all associated characters. I have made no money borrowing them for this fictional story.
Additional Warning(s): none
A/N: Special thank to [info]eeyore9990 for the lightening beta. *kisses* much my dear!

Scaling The Top
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Orpheus Samhain: finished item: "Ghost" (Lily/Severus,G) [Oct. 22nd, 2007|02:39 pm]

[Current Mood | frustrated]
[Current Music |Audioslave "Show Me How To Live"]

Title: "Ghost"
Author: [info]orpheus_samhain
Beta: adoring
Pairings: Lily/Severus
Rating: G
Word count: ~2,500
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine
Summary: They say that death ends all earthly sufferings. What if it offers nothing in return? What if it was all you had?
Author's Note: Written for LJ community fanfic100, prompt 100: Writer's Choice (Ghost) and also for [info]snape_after_dh.
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Another drabble finished [Oct. 19th, 2007|09:47 am]

[Current Mood | accomplished]

I finished another drabble for my 100quills table. It's just a silly little thing - but took care of another word and a challenge from [info]slythindor100 on this one.

Chaos of Colours
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Finally finished something... [Oct. 19th, 2007|09:10 am]


I was beginning to doubt it would happen, fortunately while I leave things unfinished it's rarely a "commitment" thing that I don't finish.

so I finished Healing, the first (or really second but the first was done long ago) fic for [info]snape_after_dh.

It's a Snape, Hermione friendship fic. Rated G, using the prompt Snape survives Nagini's bite but suffers an permanent impairment.
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Well, at least I got one fic done [Oct. 19th, 2007|12:54 am]


I'm so far behind, I'm pretty sure I can't finish my finish-a-thon list in time. I am, however, pushing myself really hard, much harder than I would without this fest. So, at least I have one more fic done now. It's my birthday fic for [info]roedhunt.

Title: Do They Use the Cane at Hogwarts?
Author: SirenPrincess
Rating: Mature Adult (equivalent to hard R, you must be 18 years old to read this)
Warnings: Extremely hard caning which results in blisters and bruises. This is not a gentle discipline fic. You have been warned! I don’t feel that the caning in this fic crosses the line into abuse, but some people are sure to feel that it does. Also, there are brief mentions and references to previous punishments in Harry and Draco’s lives. Those most certainly were abuse, but they aren’t graphically described, just mentioned. This story is not canon compliant (see notes below). Also, this story contains a slash male/male pairing. There is no graphic sex, but if the thought of two boys loving each other bothers you, then please don’t read it. Finally, there’s coarse language in this fic.
Genre: spanking fic
Word Count: 6,537
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: What if they did allow corporal punishment at Hogwarts? Harry quickly finds himself receiving a punishment that should be delivered to his boyfriend.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and that world belong to JKR and the WB. No copyright infringement is intended. This story is designed to increase fan appreciation of JKRs work. No money is earned from the writing of this story. This story is for adults only and is labeled as such. If you are under 18 years old, do not read this. The author assumes no legal responsibility for minors that refuse to heed the warnings. The author does not condone violence towards actual children or teens. I do not recommend spanking or caning as a form of punishment.

Author’s Notes: Written for [info]roedhunt’s birthday. She requested Drarry with one of our shared kinks. [info]roedhunt, I really hope you enjoy this. I wrote the whole thing with you in mind.

Do They Use the Cane at Hogwarts?
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