Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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ANOTHER ONE DOWN! W00t! [Oct. 24th, 2007|03:01 pm]

[Current Mood | pleased]

AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
FANDOM: Angel/Supernatural Crossover
DISCLAIMER: Wow, so not mine on either count! Thanks be to Whedon and Kripke for use of their respective sandboxes. And hot, slashable characters. *G*
WARNINGS: Slashy goodness, angst
PAIRING(S): Angel/Dean Winchester
TIMELINE: Post-NFA, AU SPN Season 3-ish
SYNOPSIS: Angel has only one answer to Dean's questions.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is part of a much larger story that I'm writing in fits and starts, but... you know how I love the porn. It exists for its own sake. *G*
FEEDBACK: I'd love some, thank you!
PROMPT(S): [info]getlaid25 prompt .025 Angel/Dean Winchester

Thanks to my beloved [info]thenyxie for more reasons than I can count -- not least of which is getting me all cracked out on SPN to begin with. And always encouraging my naughtiness.

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W00t! I finally finished something! *G* [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:26 pm]

[Current Mood | accomplished]

My entry for the "Anything But" ficathon on LJ is done and posted.

It's adult only, Whedonverse porn ficlet, but if you're of age, feel free to stop by: Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie.

Now on to the next goal!
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Improving Productivity! [Sep. 20th, 2007|06:03 pm]

[Current Mood | cheerful]

I thought I would share this with everybody. My most serious issue with productivity is procrastination. I'm SO lazy, and even though I love to write, I find that I'm ready to do pretty much anything but -- especially during premiere season!

So here's an article I found regarding writing productivity, and how to get past some of the things we let get in the way.

Hope it's as helpful to others as it has been to me!
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Ducks' (theantijoss) List! [Sep. 20th, 2007|04:33 pm]

[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |The Comfy Chair]
[Current Mood | busy]

I have so many deadlines, both fic and original, that I HAVE to get these things done!

theantijoss' list )

I desperately need the support, encouragement, and SHAME a community like this can provide! *G*
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