Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - October 22nd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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October 22nd, 2007

Finished another one! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|08:45 am]



YAY! Finished another and I am sharing the pron with ya'll!

Title: Scaling The Top
Author: [info]unbroken_halo
Element(s)/Pairing: Rimming, Vibrator ~Charlie/Harry
Spotlight Month: October
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry and Charlie switch places for a night.
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns Harry Potter and all associated characters. I have made no money borrowing them for this fictional story.
Additional Warning(s): none
A/N: Special thank to [info]eeyore9990 for the lightening beta. *kisses* much my dear!

Scaling The Top
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Another one bites the dust! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|12:30 pm]



I hope the double posting is all right as I just finished and got this back from the beta. I seem to be on a roll and am going to tackle the fest fics next. Wish me luck and good luck to all of you as well!

Title:Nothing Else Matters
Author: unbroken_halo
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Company belong to JK Rowling. No money was made writing this bit of fiction. Cadbury's Flake belongs to the Cadbury's company.
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Summary: If there was one thing that Harry knew for certain about Severus, it was that Severus loved chocolate.
Highlight for Warnings: *Food smut, semi-rough sex *
AN: Written for [info]chiralove 's birthday. I apologize that this is so late, darling. It wasn't until today that the ending just hit me. I hope you enjoy this as you who write so much food smut for all of us, a little bit for you in return. Thank you to the fabulous [info]eeyore9990 for the beta.

Nothing Else Matters
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Finished another [Oct. 22nd, 2007|01:01 pm]


I finished my last [info]snape_after_dh fic. Changing the Future. Which is a relatively short Snape fic with the prompt Hermione's Time Turner.

And admittedly probably won't even get to begin the other two. I may actually have to drop the [info]30_somethings claim all together for lack of time lately. And at the moment I have 2 other ficathons that need to be done before I can even consider working on Answers again.
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Two more down! [Oct. 22nd, 2007|01:46 pm]


[Current Mood | relieved]

Well, another two fics are done and off to the beta! *glee*
My [info]hd_inspired Mpreg fic is done and my [info]harry_holidays fic is also done and at the beta, so whew!

Now onto the other fests. I'm hoping that since they are Snarry they'll go fast. *g*
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Orpheus Samhain: finished item: "Ghost" (Lily/Severus,G) [Oct. 22nd, 2007|02:39 pm]


[Current Mood | frustrated]
[Current Music |Audioslave "Show Me How To Live"]

Title: "Ghost"
Author: [info]orpheus_samhain
Beta: adoring
Pairings: Lily/Severus
Rating: G
Word count: ~2,500
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JKR's, not mine
Summary: They say that death ends all earthly sufferings. What if it offers nothing in return? What if it was all you had?
Author's Note: Written for LJ community fanfic100, prompt 100: Writer's Choice (Ghost) and also for [info]snape_after_dh.
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Update [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:22 pm]



I've been getting a lot done, unfortunately some of the Alec/Ben Fics I can't link to as they are written up (it's about 10, all drabbles, nothing long)

stuff that's actually viewable )

All fics are rated pg-13 unless otherwise stated.

Also my fic journal is now completely tagged, memoried and pretty:
One more thing crossed off my list.
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W00t! I finally finished something! *G* [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:26 pm]


[Current Mood | accomplished]

My entry for the "Anything But" ficathon on LJ is done and posted.

It's adult only, Whedonverse porn ficlet, but if you're of age, feel free to stop by: Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie.

Now on to the next goal!
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I have to ask... [Oct. 22nd, 2007|03:32 pm]


I think it's alright to post this:

But how is everyone dealing with the last little bit of pressure that there's only a week or so left to finish_a_thon?

How's everyone doing on their list?
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[Oct. 22nd, 2007|10:17 pm]



I finished my original story and turned it in!
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