Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon - September 19th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Multi-Fandom Finish-A-Thon

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September 19th, 2007

[Sep. 19th, 2007|04:10 am]
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My list :| )
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Emmy's List! [Sep. 19th, 2007|05:17 am]


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Projects to be finished preferably before November because nanowrimo is heck )
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Fic ambition... [Sep. 19th, 2007|08:55 am]
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HP fics to write )
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My list [Sep. 19th, 2007|10:30 am]


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[Current Location |work]
[Current Music |fan noise (AC's gone out in the lab)]

My list: (edited on September 24 since my lovely friend reminded me of other things I have promised to do) Damn, why did she come back from her trip?
Read more... )
And I need to remember that I am not allowed anywhere near [info]luciusfqf until I finish everything else. My muse keeps going ooh shiny, and somehow I ended up with 4 prompts instead of just 1. Sigh. Bad me.
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My List [Sep. 19th, 2007|07:50 pm]


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Here is my list:

Aaronlisa's writing list )<a href="</a>10_random.</a> Since my goal is to write at least 100 word drabbles for each of these challenges, the minimum word count that I'd like to complete for this challenge is 3700 words. </lj-cut>
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Pimping Banner [Sep. 19th, 2007|08:46 pm]



I've written out an html code for [info]pinkelephant42's banner for this community for those who aren't technically inclined or don't have photobuckets. You can copy and paste the text below to pimp the community on your own journal.

Join the Finish-A-Thon

Here is the text to copy and paste:

<center><a href=""><img
src="" border=0><br>Join the Finish-A-Thon</a></center>
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Orpheus Samhain's list [Sep. 19th, 2007|10:10 pm]


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[Current Mood | scared]

Orpheus Samhain's list )
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