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October 24th, 2011

[Oct. 24th, 2011|11:50 am]


[info]r_evolutions. A super powers town & high school game. We need more popular kids - especially assholes and bullies, townspeople, and more characters in general that aren't extremely nice.

This character's uncle, mom, ex-girlfriend, and best friend would also be great to have in game, especially the best friend. His dad and older brother are in game, as well as a girlfriend, so any of those characters would have instant lines!
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[Oct. 24th, 2011|11:53 am]
Hello, I'm Kris and we are currently looking for some characters over at [info]fracturedfate. The game has yet to open and there are many exciting people open. It is a cross gen game where time collapsed and all sorts of crazy things happened.

James Potter: James is the Eldest Potter in game and is greatly wanted by his two younger cousins Albus and Jamie as well as the other two Marauders Sirius and Remus. What would Moony and Padfoot do without Prongs?

Harry Potter: Also wanted by his two cousins is Harry. Draco wouldn't mind having someone to snipe at either.

Albus Dumbledore: Ever want to play Dumbledore when he was young and obsessed with the greater good and the Deathly Hallows? He is but a 6th year here in our game.

Minerva McGonagall: Minerva is head girl and has such potential for fun game play as she deals with Tom Riddle her match as head boy.

Regulus Black: Regulus is of course wanted by his older brother and Albus Potter wouldn't mind one of his roomies.

Ted Tonks: NymphaDora Tonks would love to have her older brother in game. Hell she would love to not be the only Hufflepuff around in all truth.

Neville Longbottom: PROFESSOR Longbottom is the current Herbology professor and depending on how you wanted to play it the elder brother of his once own father in canon!

Lucius and Scorpius Malfoy: Draco would hate love to see his two brothers. Lucius is the older and Heir of all things Malfoy and Scorpius is the darling youngest...probably with all the brains.

Weasleys: Arthur, Ron, and Rose are also needed. Who doesn't want to play three generations of Weasleys as siblings. Arthur and his love for muggle things not to mention the forming and playing out of his relationship with Molly.

Black Sisters: Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa are all needed the three Black sisters would be loved in game. Will Andromeda take the same path with the altered state of things? Will Bellatrix have a liking to that charismatic Riddle boy? Will Narcissa end up the stately Lady Malfoy once more? The Possibilities are endless.
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[Oct. 24th, 2011|02:39 pm]
Looking for a Princess Azula or Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender to play opposite an OC (AIM, YIM or E-mail). Comments screened.
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[Oct. 24th, 2011|07:24 pm]
Does anyone still play within Gossip Girl? Or even the actors?
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