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Writers Wanted

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October 25th, 2011

The Crescent City Institute; on [Oct. 25th, 2011|01:12 am]
YOU! YES, YOU! Not you, but YOU OVER THERE! We want your Harry Potter Fandom OC's!

Located on, the Crescent City Institute is open for another year of magical hijinks and mayhem. We need cheerleaders, Quodpot and Quidditch players, characters who aren't Caucasian, pureblood fanatics, bitches and hos, straight kids, gay kids, drama kings and queens, rebels, popular kids, investigators, jocks (PLEASE!), characters who could fill some wanted lines (Link to wanted characters here), scene kids, goths, preps, and everyone in between. Some nice Lalauries, some evil Beauregards, outgoing Sonniers and wallflower Rienzi kids would help us out as well.

Have an idea? Feel free to contact a mod at If it's an original character? We want you as a part of our game! Accepting applications here immediately!
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[Oct. 25th, 2011|10:23 pm]
Angelina Jolie needed for any lines? Looking for a community to place her in.
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