Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 21st, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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October 21st, 2011

[Oct. 21st, 2011|12:33 am]


Looking for somewhere to play Blair Waldorf, Lana Lang (Smallville canon), Buffy Summers, Faith Lehane or Winifred Burkle.

Open to any kind of game (pan-fandom included) or psl!
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Didn't quite work the first time, so... [Oct. 21st, 2011|12:40 am]
Anyone out there interested in doing a Stiles/Derek line from MTV's Teen Wolf? My idea for a psl was inspired by this youtube video, where Derek pretty much has the hots for Stiles, and is quite pissed about it. Everything about the kid annoys him, and yet he's all he can think about. Where as Stiles is just completely confused as hell by Derek's hot and cold behavior. I think these two could bring a lot of humor, drama, smut, and fluff all in one amazing line! I'd be willing to play either. XD
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[Oct. 21st, 2011|02:06 pm]


Confundo! is a brand new Marauders' Era game, set at Hogwarts during the Marauders' seventh year with both seventh and sixth year characters open for play-- and it is NOW OPEN!!!

Hogwarts continues on as it always has, but on November 1 Headmaster Dumbledore will announce an addition to the Hogwarts journal systems-- the anonymous journal.  The journal will be available to everyone in the school, where you can post anything you want, anonymously.  Now, don't get too excited-- it isn't just a method to freely insult your enemies.  Posts may be anonymous to the students, but Professors can and will be monitoring, and can break the anonymity if the need for taking points arises.  But it shouldn't come to that, of course...

Especially seeking Frank Longbottom & Alice (future) Longbottom, Amelia & Edgar Bones, Mundungus Fletcher, and Severus Snape!  Check out the Character List or our Wanted Characters, and Apply today!
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[Oct. 21st, 2011|07:17 pm]
Queen B is still looking for Lonely Boy, or even you Chuck.
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