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Writers Wanted

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October 22nd, 2011

[Oct. 22nd, 2011|03:28 am]
Currently wanted Warehouse 13 characters over at the very welcoming and fun pan-fan comm [info]f_rogers.
Okay, Steve... seriously, not fair. Waiting for next season doesn't appeal. Claudia knows and needs Steve around. She needs her homosexual Buddist surrogate brother best friend. Someone needs to keep Claudia in line and a few people want to meet Steve, too, from reputation alone.
Pete needs to show up as well. Someone needs to tell random jokes and eat a lot of cookies. Claudia will buy a supply of cookies and Twizzlers if necessary to get Pete and Myka around. She needs her extended family and there would be plenty of great interaction options.
Myka would be adored, plain and simple. Claudia will get a Twizzler supply to keep Myka around if need be. There are some wonderful people there for interaction, but someone needs to be around to translate for Pete in the morning and keep him in line. Someone also needs to covet H.G.'s grappling hook.
Things may not have started out on the best foot with Claudia telling Leena she didn't like her, but things have gotten better. Claudia would like Leena around and safe.

Her aura-reading would give plenty of interaction opportunities, too.
H.G. is made of awesome. She's a great, strong female role and part of Claudia's extended family, in a way. Claudia would really like to have her around. Plus, having H.G. around to allow Myka covet her grappling hook would also provide for great fun!
He may be a bit of a task to get, but who doesn't love Artie and his eyebrows? You're only as old as you feel and, really, with Claudia around how old can Artie feel? He would have plenty of interaction options because - well, he tends to get into everything anyhow. And he needs to be around to help keep Claudia in line.
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[Oct. 22nd, 2011|04:23 pm]


Check the journal - looking for Gossip Girl fandom psls and some celeb. The fandom ones include several potentially dark elements.
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