Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - October 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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October 20th, 2011

Looking for Soul Eater RPers.~ [Oct. 20th, 2011|01:01 pm]
Whenever just in a game, or group, yeah. If there's a spot for Maka in a game that is for Soul Eater[since I haven't seen any..] I'll join! If not.. I'm mostly interested in getting someone to RP as a Soul Evans for me. That would be appreciated. Any other characters besides Soul are wanted, too! If you're interested, comment me and we'll talk.~
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[Oct. 20th, 2011|06:38 pm]


in the market for a psl or two, check the journal! i've just added some specific lines, plus some general themes. :] i would kill to get the first line filled, but i'm open for just about anything!

(x-posted to a few places; apologies! ♥)
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[Oct. 20th, 2011|10:04 pm]
Private lines for this Lee Hyori bp anyone? Looking for a Takeshi Kaneshiro or Taebin for specific lines. Whoever else I welcome you to join me in plotting.
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