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September 21st, 2011

[Sep. 21st, 2011|09:41 am]
A Dean for my Sam? I already have a few lines but could use a few more since I've got loads of free time on my hands right now.

Any season or AU even have a few MPREG ideas if anyone is interested. Flulff, established relationship, unrequited love and hurt/comfort, just to name a few things.

Oh and I would also be into the idea of playing Samifer or soulless!sam for any dark lines against a Dean.

Threading only.
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[Sep. 21st, 2011|10:17 am]
Over at [info]asinrome we're having a ton of fun. And within the game is this particular set of siblings. Raigan is a boy from the Brittania area of Gaul who was captured six years ago in game. Captured in order to let his younger brother flee and warn their village/tribe about the incoming Roman Soliders. He was taken as a slave and has been spending four years as a pleasure slave. Raigan's [info]raigan siblings are Cadfan and Blodwen [info]blodwen.

Cadfan is the middle child of a well known and loved Priestess of the Celtic Pantheon. She is not wed to anyone, and each of her children have different fathers and were concieved/born under special circumstances. And each one, upon birth, were foretold their future occupations. Raigan to be a Spiritual Leader/Priest/Intellectual, Blodwen to be a Seer, and Cadfan a Warrior.

We would really love for Cadfan to come into play. Since following Blodwen's visions they came in search of Raigan to bring him home. Then almost there, seeing Raigan is a pelasure slave, Blodwen sent Cadfan back reluctantly. But what if Cadfan didn't really return home? But instead followed after Blodwen? Or some other variation... We're up to discussing things further with whoever wants to pick him up. We left Cadfan pretty open. Only dictating name, that he is a warrior, and he has a fiery/warrior personality, and that the boy were very protective of Blodwen.

A possible PB would be Kellan Lutz, as he is 18. So someone with the Celtic/English look about him, brown/dark hair, well built....

Interested? Contact Rose at notyourparade @ or Gidget at exploratory.indulgences @
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[Sep. 21st, 2011|10:45 am]
Over at [info]asinrome we're having a ton of fun. And within the game is this Griffin who has a family he would love to see around. And it is a nice sized family too, female dominated. Alexois Gennadiou [info]alexois is a 700+ year old Griffin who was born and raised in Greece, but has settled just outside of Rome. And as he deals with the loss of his Phoenix lover who went up in flames and is now searching for his lover's new form he could really use the support of family who, well, would understand him best.

Who is his family? Well, glad you asked.
MOTHER: Berenice (Griffin, 1,104)
FATHER: Gennadios (Griffin, 1,983)
SISTER: Demostrate (Griffin, 750), Sophia (Griffin, 350), Lysandra (Griffin, 203)
CHILDREN: Nicanor (Son, Griffin, 201) & Kallistrate (Daughter, Griffin, 183) Alexoiou

Come on, you know you want to play a Griffin in Ancient Rome... ;)

Interested? Contact Rose at notyourparade @</div>
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