Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - September 20th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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September 20th, 2011

[Sep. 20th, 2011|02:00 pm]
Looking for a guy for my Selena over at [info]kissthenight.

Would love a Christian Kane but am pretty bendable. Just has to be 10+ years older than Selena.
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[Sep. 20th, 2011|07:34 pm]
- Would anyone play Matt Sanders or Brian Haner against Zacky Baker? It can celeb or we can go the AU route and stick them in another setting. I'd just love a mature Matt or Brian in a mature setting. In fact, I'd pair Zacky against a variety or band men as long as they don't look like girls.

- Since Halloween is coming up, I'd like to play something dark. Maybe something to do with a haunted insane asylum. Maybe a couple goes camping in the woods or rents a cabin in the middle of no where only to be stalked by a killer. I don't know! Just something that captures the mood of Halloween. Zombies, vampires, werewolves, undead creatures also welcome. Something based off of Silent Hill or Resident Evil is also a plus.

- I'm also looking to fill lines, so if you have anything you've been wanting to play out then hit me up so we can discuss.

Slash and threading only. I play actors, some band men, and some models. I can also go without faces. I'm down for whatever we decide.
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