Find writing partners for your psls or communites. - September 22nd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Writers Wanted

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September 22nd, 2011

torchwood [Sep. 22nd, 2011|01:14 am]


Jack Harkness for my Ianto? All versions of their characters/storyline welcome.

My AIM is edikait, catch me online or here!
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[Sep. 22nd, 2011|11:20 am]


Would like a Sherlock for a private line through journals! Slash or not, both are fine with me. Plot is important! Let me know if you're interested and we can plot!
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[Sep. 22nd, 2011|12:24 pm]
We are looking for dedicated and inventive writers to join our game. When Needed is a reincarnation themed game where each character will be exploring several different incarnations of their characters, as well as the pitfalls that happen when your wife from one life ends up your older brother the next and other things in that vein. Each player will be driving the plot of the game along with the others colaboratively. So far very few things are set in stone because the game has yet to begin.
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[Sep. 22nd, 2011|05:30 pm]


[info]moston, a Boston-based game with dark, mob-related themes. I'm looking for a Garrett Hedlund for a complicated, dark-line. If you'd like more details please hit me up here and I'll set us a custom to brainstorm. Thank you. ♥
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