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Jun. 19th, 2016


Who: Myron & Hermione
When: Sunday, June 19th - Night
Where: Hermione's Flat
What: Surprise Visit

There was somewhere he'd rather be. )

Jun. 17th, 2016


Who: Open to All
When: Friday, June 17th (OOC: Bidding will close Sunday evening US Time)
Where: 12 Diagon Ally Events
What: Ministry of Magic Charity Date Auction
Rating: PG13 and Under - Take smut to your own thread.
Status: Ongoing

It's all for a good cause )

Jun. 15th, 2016


Delivered to Hermione Granger

A Letter for Hermione Granger )

Jun. 8th, 2016


Who: Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Myron
What: Getting Hermione Home
Where: Broadmoor Mental Hospital
When: Wednesday morning
Rating/Status: low/incomplete
*OOC- feel free to start with meeting at 54, or wherever you'd like! I can npc doctors or whatever

Hermione was beginning to think she'd never get home )

Jun. 7th, 2016


Witch Weekly - Week of June 7th

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )

May. 24th, 2016


Who: Myron & Nora
When: Tuesday, May 24th - Late Morning
Where: Myron's Bedroom
What: Nora walks in on Myron
Rating: High. No Shame.
Status: In Progress

Nine in the Afternoon. )

May. 23rd, 2016


Witch Weekly - Week of May 23rd

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )

May. 19th, 2016


Who: Myron & Hermione
When: Thursday, May 19th, Around 5 o'clock
Where: Sweet Sensations, Knockturn Alley
What: Coffee, Cupcakes, Conversation
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress

She was a breath of fresh air in his life. )


Who: Myron & Heath
When: Tuesday, May 17th - Backdated
Where: Muggle Pub
What: Drinking and Talking
Rating: Low
Status: In Progress

When the world gets too heavy put it on my back. )

May. 16th, 2016


Witch Weekly - Week of May 16th

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )


Who: Kirley Duke & Myron Wagtail
When: Sunday, May 15th - Backdated
What: Conversations about the band.
Where: Myron's room.
Status: In progress
Rating: Low

All around me there are familiar faces, worn out places. )

May. 12th, 2016


Who: Myron Wagtail & Dani Noir
When: Thursday Evening, May 12th
Where: Dani's Flat
What: Foolishness
Rating: High, Probably
Status: In progress

But he was just drunk enough to not care if it was a bad idea or not. )

May. 10th, 2016


Delivery to Hermione Granger )


Delivery to Ginny Weasley )

May. 3rd, 2016


Witch Weekly - Week of May 2nd

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )

Apr. 29th, 2016


RP: The Wedding

Who: Pansy, Ron, Hannah, Roger, Tracey, Hermione, Daphne, Terence, Angelina, Lee, Luna, Draco, Jewllian, Danielle, Theodore, Parvati, Harry, Verity, Lisa, Myron, Bill, Charlie, George, Percy, Blaise, Ernie, Sally, Camilla (I included everyone who was invited, but not the ones who said they wouldn't go. If I missed anyone, let me know. Add your tag if needed)
What: They are getting married
Where: Parkinson Estate
When: 29th of April, 2000
Rating/Status: G; On-Going

Until Death Do Us Part )

Apr. 27th, 2016


Witch Weekly - Week of April 25th

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )

Apr. 18th, 2016


Who: The Sisters, Staff, Friends, Etc. Basically open.
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

Ice cream for needy people. )


Witch Weekly - Week of April 18th

Cover and Articles Under the Cut )

Apr. 16th, 2016


Who: Myron Wagtail & Hermione Granger
When: Thursday, April 14th (Backdated)
Where: Coffee Shop, Muggle London near Hyde Park
What: Meeting of the Minds
Rating: Low
Status: Logged, Completed

A rock star and a war hero share some coffee and thoughts. )

Apr. 15th, 2016


Charity Date Auction

Who: Open to All
When: Friday, April 15th
Where: 12 Diagon Ally Events
What: Ministry of Magic Charity Date Auction
Rating: PG13 and Under - Take smut to your own thread.
Status: Ongoing

All the details of the evening are under the cut. )

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