Jan. 6th, 2009


When Frodo Meets Sam

When Frodo Meets Sam  

Title: When Frodo Meets Sam




Fandom: Lord Of The Ring triology

Ship: Sam/Frodo friendship

Disclaimer: Sadly the hobbits and Gandalf belong to Tolkien and not myself

Summary: After the death of his parents a grieving Frodo goes to live with his Uncle Bilbo in the Shire

Rating: G

Warning: This is not a slash story. It's a friendship, so if you looking for smut or male kissage, sorry.  But check out the Aragorn/Legolas story below this post.  No smut, but plenty of slash.

Notes: Happy Holidays </a></b></a>[info]fienchen Our friendship has really been fun and has seen me through dark times working at that factory, so this story is dedicated to you.  I wish that it could be better, I promise, my next Hobbit story will be a more wonderful work of art:) *hugs*  You may want to check out the Why story again to make up for this one.  Well, enough babble.  On to the story...