Jan. 6th, 2009


Finding His Place dom/lijah

Title: Finding His Place

Author: [info]spikessweetgirl

Chapters: 1/1

Pairing: DM/EW

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I do not know Dom Monaghan, Elijah Wood, nor any of the people mentioned in this story. It's all lies.

Summary: Elijah overhears a Conversation between Ian McKellen and Peter Jackson that raises up his own insecurity. Can Dom convince him to stay in New Zealand or will there have to be a new Frodo?

Archieved: fellow_shippers and domlijah

Feedback: Yes please!

Notes: Sorry for the lack of updates on Something More and English Spice, but the muse has been very quiet on those stories as of late, so I come bearing a ficlet instead. I hope it makes up for it:)

This story is based from this article