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[Jan. 1st, 2008|03:55 pm]
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From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-01 10:41 pm (UTC)


"Oh ho ho!!" Laughing hard the bean town girl slapped her tightly muscled thigh in understanding. "So there is something I can help with!" Her smile was wide and completely contagious.

Tapping B's shoulder lightly she backed through the fancy glass doors into the store. "So tell me about her. What's she like? How hot is she? Is she rich or what??!!" She looked around in shock at just how end this place was.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-01 10:51 pm (UTC)


She laughed softly at her friend's outburst. She couldn't help it. It made her feel better that Faith was interested in helping her out.

"Well... She's got red hair, and a very sexy body.... well what I saw of it. She's a dhampir... And... well... she told me to get anything that I want here for our date... and not to look at the price tag."

She looked around the store and her eyes widened. "I've never went out with someone ritzy...
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-01 11:26 pm (UTC)


"Oh yeah!!" Grabbing B's hips she twisted them back and forth wiggling her eyebrows. "Hot huh?" Rolling her own shoulders she playfully bobbed her breasts with a wide dimpled smile purring, "..smokin'!!"

"Wait, a minute...." Her brow pinched questioningly, "What's a dhampir?"
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-01 11:30 pm (UTC)


She though of the best way to describe it to her friend. "Well... I haven't really talked to Giles about it... but from what she told me... They're half human, half vampire, all their strengths, none of their weaknesses..."

She bowed her head slightly and squinched her eyes together, waiting to hear her friend to tell her how stupid she was for going with another type of vamp.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-01 11:53 pm (UTC)


"What??!!!" Her face screwed up arms out to the side jaw slack with shock. "What is it with you and the fang gang?"

Taking a slow breath her knuckled made thier way to her hips. "I swear if I wasn't so wild on Will I'd go mount one just to see what all the fuss is about."
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-01 11:58 pm (UTC)


She laughed softly at the other slayer's outburst. She smiled and sighed softly. "She's part human... look at it this way... I've moved up a step from where I had been... Full Vamp with a soul... then human with a vamp fetish and then vamp with a chip in his head... Now... half human half vampire."

She nodded her head in a knowing manner. "I don't think that Willow would appreciate sharing. And how is that going by the way..."
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 12:57 am (UTC)


"And a hot chick! You are movin' up in the world," she chuckled.

When the conversation turned to her and the little redhead witch images and sounds flooded her mind and ears intense enough to color the bad girl slayer's cheeks a deep crimson. Clearing her throat the unreal blush traveled further down her neck and began to invade her cleavage.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 01:02 am (UTC)


Buffy laughed softly as her friend blushed as she had never seen her blush before. She leaned against a counter and waited for her friend to dish about her relationship with Willow. "So..." She raised both eyebrows in interest.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 01:13 am (UTC)


"Uh!!!" Clearing her throat she ran firm, poetic hands through her raven hair. "Umm.... it's... good."

Taking slow breaths she waited for the blood to stop rushing through her ears. "We uh...." Oh, hell! B worked really hard to help Faith get to this point. She deserved the dish. "Her ruby lips pursed in this conpiratorial smirk. Warm brown eyes peared up from under thick dark lashes as she glowed, "We did the 'I love you' thing. And all the extra special stuff. Which you get NO details about." She pointed firmly to accent the last statement letting the other slayer know she meant business.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 01:24 am (UTC)


Buffy nodded her head and smiled, glad that her friends had found love with each other. She knew that Faith wouldn't kiss and tell. "I think that you and Will are good for each other. You're all strong and everything and Will is kinda meek... but can be extremely strong."

She looked at the dresses nearest them. She couldn't help but notice the prices on the dresses. She took a deep breath and focused on the dresses instead of the tags. "How about this?" She pulled the dress off the hanger and held it up against her, then spun it around so that Faith could see the back.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 01:33 am (UTC)


"Oh yeah," she smiled warmly thinking about her little witch. "She's strong in all the right places." After the words came out of her mouth she realised how they sounded. "I... I mean inside!!" Her voice nearly cracked, especially when she realised what she was saying. "I mean her.... emotional parts!!' Crap!! When did she turn into Xander!

Thank you, Nancy for the distraction!! "Not bad. How's the front?"
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 01:39 am (UTC)


She laughed out loud at her friend. She couldn't help it. "Okay... you're Faith right... not Xander right? Cause you're doing some major channeling."

She turned the dress around so that Faith could see the slinky black dresses front. It was simple and only had an oval opening at the neck that barely touched the top of Buffy's cleavage. "I could wear a push up bra with it..." She sighed softly looking at her chest. "It would push up what litte is there."
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 01:48 am (UTC)


The only reply she gave to the accurate, but playful jab was a quick dark glare.

Looking at the oval cut out and then B's rather humble tits then the back of the dress she shook her head. "Not in that backless thing. Besides, you might be better off without, know what I'm sayin'?" She winked this wicked sexy encouraging guesture.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 01:53 am (UTC)


She laughed softly before thinking. "I really like this one... how about I try it on without a bra and then we'll see where we should go from there."

She walked to the back where there was a woman holding open a dressing room for her.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 02:10 am (UTC)


Strolling after the dark slayer leaned against the wall next to the dressing room. With a boot on the wall and her arms crossed over her ample chest she started feeling way too much like she was stuck in the husband spot.

Knocking on the door she groused, "Hurry it up. And twirl pretty for me while you're at it." She never said she was patient.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 02:15 am (UTC)


She laughed as she came out with the dress on. She did a pretty spin for her friend and then leaned against the wall, playing the seductress, her eyes dark, and her hair falling over her shoulder.

"so... How's that?" She laughed.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 02:39 am (UTC)


The dark slayer looked her over from top to bottom and back again her dark brows climbing higher with every trip. Stroking her jaw her dark eyes had a definite dirty old man gleam to them as she answered, "I dunno.... Turn around. Let me see the ass again."