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[Jan. 15th, 2009|07:05 pm]
Who: Romana and Open to the Doctor. (Any version of him would be grand, since she's kinda looking for him)
What: She's picked up readings of a TARDIS
When: Mid afternoon
Where: Starts out in New York July '08, ends up in London, England Jan '09.
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

After her run in with Mystic, Romana had left the woman be to explore her budding relationship. Romana was happy for her old friend, really, and not in the least jealous at all. After that, the Time Lady had decided she needed some time away. So thanks to her trusty bit of tech (considering her total lack of a TARDIS), she managed to transport herself to London. She had really hoped to manage to get to London during the Georgian era, but alas her trusty little device was not a full time machine. But it was damn close, able to jump a few hours, days or months, but not years. Which she figured was good enough for the time being.

She looked down at her watch to see what time she had landed in. "Seven months, bah." She scoffed, of course she couldn't have stayed in any of the warmer months. With a little shrug she began to walk through the chilly streets, her heavy blue Georgian dress sweeping the ground as she did. She hadn't even considered that there might have been another Time Lord around, excluding Mystic of course, but she had just left her friend back in New York so really there shouldn't have been any other Time Lord around. Of course when her little device beeped loudly from where it sat within her front pocket, she soon realized that she was wrong.

Taking it out, she held it in her hand. "Really? Here?" She questioned, only to get another beep in response. "Another TARDIS? You sure it's not Mystic's cab?" She asked it, only to be basically told off in beeps. "Okay okay, watch your language." She said, giving the small device a little shake.

Looking around, she held the device up, trying to pick up where the TARDIS was. Of course, it could have looked like anything, so she wasn't expecting to recognized it. That was, of course, until she saw a large blue police box. With a sigh, she shook her head. "Doctor." She said to herself. "I should have know."
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[Jan. 10th, 2009|02:53 am]
Who: Rose Tyler; Open to Tenth Doctor & Donna Noble.
What: Her arrival
Where: London, England
Rating: PG-13 at best.
Status: In progress

Torchwood worked diligently on building the dimensional cannon because Rose didn't want to be in this parallel world any longer than she had to be. She didn't care about leaving Mickey, her mother, or her parallel world's father. The only thing that she wanted more than to be back with the Doctor was to be back in the real England, not this parallel world's version.

"Damn it," she mumbled under her breath as a piece fell out of place. Rose shoved it back into the machine, and finally, it started to work. A grin appeared over her face, and she thought for this moment that maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to finally be with the Doctor again. It was a one shot chance. She grabbed a few things, including her clothes, mobile, TARDIS key, and the laptop that Pete had bought for her. She wanted to go as quickly as possible.

It was fired up and ready to go. The cannon was ready to give her a life on her own, away from this hell. Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she knew that this was her only chance, one shot in time and then Rose would no longer be trapped in a world that wasn't hers.

Flipping the switch, she stepped forward with everything in her hands, and her mobile in her pocket, silently wishing herself good luck before crossing over into a place that looked comfortably familiar. A place that was her own. Her England. Finally. Now if she could only find her Doctor - then her life would be complete.
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[Oct. 29th, 2008|04:40 am]
Who: Rose Tyler; OTA
What: Her arrival
Where: London, England
Rating: PG-13 at best.
Status: In progress

Torchwood worked diligently on building the dimensional cannon because Rose didn't want to be in this parallel world any longer than she had to be. She didn't care about leaving Mickey, her mother, or her parallel world's father. The only thing that she wanted more than to be back with the Doctor was to be back in the real England, not this parallel world's version.

"Damn it," she mumbled under her breath as a piece fell out of place. Rose shoved it back into the machine, and finally, it started to work. A grin appeared over her face, and she thought for this moment that maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to finally be with the Doctor again. It was a one shot chance. She grabbed a few things, including her clothes, mobile, TARDIS key, and the laptop that Pete had bought for her. She wanted to go as quickly as possible.

It was fired up and ready to go. The cannon was ready to give her a life on her own, away from this hell. Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she knew that this was her only chance, one shot in time and then Rose would no longer be trapped in a world that wasn't hers.

Flipping the switch, she stepped forward with everything in her hands, and her mobile in her pocket, silently wishing herself good luck before crossing over into a place that looked comfortably familiar. A place that was her own. Her England. Finally. Now if she could only find her Doctor - then her life would be complete.
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[Jul. 8th, 2008|11:58 am]
Who: Lilith, Kalissia, Morrigan
Rating: PG 13

The Return of Lilith )
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[Apr. 24th, 2008|06:32 pm]

Who: Jack Harkness and The Doctor
What: Jack's grieving and the Doctor is, well just being himself.
When: Early evening
Where: Starting in Cardiff, Wales on top of the millennium center. Then it could go pretty much anywhere.
Rating: PG? Not high.
Status: In Progress

Jack was standing on the edge of the millennium center's roof, his normal place to go when he wanted to think. He didn't know what it was about being so high up, but when it came to standing on roofs Jack was a old pro.

It was lightly raining, as it usually was. It was after all Wales, really when wasn't it raining. The wind was causing his greatcoat to whip out behind him, he was sure it all looked very dramatic. Had anyone looked up right then, it would have looked like he was about to jump. And truth be told, it had actually crossed his mind. Jumping, even though he knew that it wouldn't have done any good. He would just wake up with a headache a few moments later.

With a heavy sigh he closed his eyes, his fist closing tightly around four small pills in his hand. Retcon, long lasting. He was fighting an internal struggle as to whether he should retcon what was left of his team as well as Rhys and Andy, and send them on their marry way. He had seen too much death in his thousands of years of life, and Tosh was truly the straw the had broken his back. Yes his heart ached for Owen, but he had lost the man once already so the pain didn't feel as deep. But Tosh, his poor innocent sweet little Toshiko. She didn't deserve the fate she met, especially not when it was his fault. He couldn't, he wouldn't let that happen to Gwen and Ianto. And certainly not Rhys and Andy, they were civilians. Only he didn't know if he could survive without his team and friends. Plus the thought of losing Ianto was like a knife in his already shattered heart. He was so tired of falling in love, only to lose that love each time.
As thoughts of his fallen comrades and lost loves and of course Ianto filled his mind, he felt the familiar burning behind his eyes as the tears started to well before slipping silently down his cheeks. Closing his eyes, he bit back a small sob. He would have been content to stay standing there with his grief forever, if only he hadn't been pulled back to reality by the familiar whooshing sound of the TARDIS's engines.
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[Mar. 17th, 2008|07:06 pm]
[Current Mood |angsty]

Who: Alexander & Lara Croft (COMPLETE)
Where: Croft Manner, England
When: 2 months ago
What: A Meeting with regards to Watcher's Council business & a mutual past.
NOTES: I know I play both characters, but this needs to be posted so that everyone can know what's going on between the two characters, and what Lara is even doing in Fem... There is a bit of stuff from Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle of Life in this post. :) The post is kinda angsty and maybe even angry, because we all know that Lara has a temper, and several guns. :)

Alexander sat in one of the high back chairs that sat in the study of Croft Manor. Sneaking in had not been too hard. Her butler had tried to sneak up on Alexander when he had saw the intruder on the security screens in his room, but Alexander had knocked him out quickly and quietly, leaving him on the couch near the front door for her to find. Now all he had to do was wait for her to return.

More... )

[Feb. 6th, 2008|01:27 pm]
Who: SwiftFeather and Buffy (so closed)
What: First Date
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Remi's, the Rialto Room
Rating: Let's see where the evening takes us ;)
Status: In Progress

The room was perfect, exactly as she'd asked for. The four peice orchestra, including sax, was warming up in front of a rust colored impressionist painting. There was a single classic silver mic in case she felt her inner siren stirring. Dom Perignon was chilling in the sylish silver ice bucket. A waiter stood ready with a dozen red roses for Buffy's arrival. As much as she wanted to give them to the slayer herself she didn't want to take the chance of them damaging her outfit.

Her dress sparkled beneath the lights. Her breasts heaved erratically with her trembling breaths. Could waiting actually kill you? The ancient sorceress wasn't quite sure at the this point. Passing by a mirror in her passing she checked the plunging back of her gown for the hundredth time. Stroking the well placed fabric she tried to steady her breaths. If her heart continued to pound in her throat this way she wouldn't get a word in edge wise.
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[Jan. 6th, 2008|07:56 am]

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Who: Dawn and OTA
What: Lounging around
When: Sunday morning
Where: Slayer Central
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress

Dawn was laying on her back on the couch in the living room of the mansion where her sister and, well everyone but her lived. Dawn had decided to move away from the place when living with the mini slayers had become far too much for her to deal with, it wasn't easy living in a place where a bunch of super women were cooped up training all day. But that didn't stop the youngest Summers from visiting often, and that particular morning what caused her visit? Well a pipe had broken in her apartment, and flooded her bathroom. So when her landlord was busy fixing it she thought it better to stay out of the way, which is how she had found herself at her old place.

Laying on the sofa with her eyes closed, she was idly playing with her necklace. Running the charm back and forth along the chain. She was pointedly ignoring a couple of teen slayers sitting across the room who were in the process of making mushy lovey dovey eyes are each other, giggling every so often. It was starting to get on Dawn's nerves honestly, and when she finally heard one of them let out what sounded like a little moan she opened her eyes to look at them. "That's it." She said, sitting up. "Out." She pointed to the doorway. "Out! Go find a damn room." Which caused the two girls to shoot her dirty looks, but leave the room none the less.

With a huff, the dark haired woman laid back on the couch with a flop. "Damn place is like a freaking bordello." She muttered to herself, closing her eyes once again. Normally stuff like that didn't bother Dawn, heck it never had before. But since it had been a while since she had seen her undead god of a boyfriend, she was feeling a little tightly wound. So it only made sense that she had snapped at the lust laden slayers.
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[Jan. 1st, 2008|03:55 pm]
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Who: Faith and Buffy
What: Dress Shopping
When: Christmas Eve
Where: Madison Ave, swanky part of NY shopping
Rating: PG13 for language at least probably R for adult conversations
Status: In Progress

The 'dark' slayer strolled down the side walk, hands tucked in the pockets of her low slung blue jeans. Her sweater was a light blue that offset her tanned skin nicely. Her dark hair and dark eyes had a bounce and a sparkle to them. There was even a nearly schoolgirlish bounce in her step. "So, B, what kinda a date are we talkin' about here?"

The blonde slayer had asked her for shopping help. The why was mystery, Faith was not really one for the shopping. Besides these shops were way on the upside of the scale.
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[Dec. 11th, 2007|09:47 pm]
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[Current Mood |content]

Who: Cole and OPEN
What: Nothing particular
When: Dawn(sun rise)
Where: Manhattan, NY, NY
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

In a shimmer Cole appears from the darkness and into the city. He walked in a swaggering style that he's known for. Cole is in an all black suit sans the tie which is red. Quite a a few women eyes are on him. But he pays them no mind. He knows damned well he can have any one of them he desired. Too easy for him. He then walks upto this old car. It was abandoned and broken down. Cole put his hands in his slacks pockets and raises an eyebrow and grinned slightly.

"This has potiental." He waved his hand and the car morphed into a concept car. It was black and shiny and the engine roared."Much better." He opened the car door and slipped inside and drives off in fast speeds. His arm draped out of the car window and sunglasses faded on his face as the sun started to rise. He had this smirk on his face as the car speeds off in the streets of the city. Cole has arrived.
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[Dec. 10th, 2007|01:30 pm]
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Who: Buffy and Faith-Closed for now
What: Slay Therapy
When: The night after the KFC incident
Where: Cemetary duh-NYC
Rating: PG13 because Faith has a potty mouth, we all know it
Status: In Progress

The bad girl slayer was restless. Yeah, she was bad. She'd killed people. She fucked who she wanted, when she wanted. She took what she want without apologies. She was hard and tough. Nobody fucked with her. So why did she feel this way? Even all through newbie training class her brain kept drifting back to that cute wrinkly nosed smile and that light hand on her leg. Even when she'd tried to dream it came up all her and Willow From Here to Eternity on the beach.

Even in training class she'd been so wrapped around the hand holdage of yesterday she'd gotten blind sided by a back fist in free spar with Rona. That girl was always trying to prove something. Faith had to put her on the mat hard. She only learned the hard way. Some assholes think once they've read chapter one they got the whole book figured out. Whatever.

This was too much. Her brain was totally fogged by the witch. She had to shake off some steam. Slipping into some hip hugging cargo pants, loaded with slaying materials, a black tank top, jean jacket and boots she slipped out quietly. A little sweat and few dustings and she'd be back to her old self. Yeah.
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[Dec. 6th, 2007|08:50 pm]


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