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[Jan. 1st, 2008|03:55 pm]
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From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 02:10 am (UTC)


Strolling after the dark slayer leaned against the wall next to the dressing room. With a boot on the wall and her arms crossed over her ample chest she started feeling way too much like she was stuck in the husband spot.

Knocking on the door she groused, "Hurry it up. And twirl pretty for me while you're at it." She never said she was patient.
From: [info]buffyslays
2008-01-02 02:15 am (UTC)


She laughed as she came out with the dress on. She did a pretty spin for her friend and then leaned against the wall, playing the seductress, her eyes dark, and her hair falling over her shoulder.

"so... How's that?" She laughed.
From: [info]slay_boss
2008-01-02 02:39 am (UTC)


The dark slayer looked her over from top to bottom and back again her dark brows climbing higher with every trip. Stroking her jaw her dark eyes had a definite dirty old man gleam to them as she answered, "I dunno.... Turn around. Let me see the ass again."