May. 7th, 2011


Who: [info]witchy41693 and [info]cup_ofjoe
What: Zoe gets shown a few apartments for her new residence
When: Afternoon, May 7th
Where: Ryan's Apartment building
Warnings: maybe some flirting, language

Summary: A simple apartment hunting for Zoe lands her meeting with a cute superintendant.

I just haven't met you yet )

Apr. 12th, 2011


Who: Jorie and Ryan
What: Ryan pays a visit to Jorie’s Cirque School.
When: Thursday at noon.
Where: Cirque School
Warnings: Probably PG-PG13?

Summary: Upon her request, Ryan meets Jorie to show off his impressive(?) back flip skillz.

Could this really end well…? )

Apr. 5th, 2011


Who: Brynne OTA
What: Getting a letter from home.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: outside her building
Warnings: none

Summary: Letter from dad=never a good thing

Just this once, can't it be good news??!! )