Apr. 11th, 2011


Who: Katherine and OPEN
What: Feeding?
When: Late night Saturday
Where: Local strip club
Warnings: Naked girls. For now that is all.

Summary: Katherine is feeling especially off these days. Belle's baby is coming and she knows she wants in on both their lives, but its not so simple. What to do? She goes to see some pretty girls dance and tries to forget about her ex.

These women flocked to her, their goddess, like they knew who she was )

Apr. 5th, 2011


The first

Who: Belle and Katherine
What: Being miserable and getting everything ready for Niobe
When: 5 April 2011 round Noon-ish
Where: Belle's home.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Language
Status: Complete

Being fat, hot, and miserable )