Jul. 4th, 2011


Sometimes, It Takes Time to Heal from the Worst of Things

Who: Belle Harper and Zoe Crisanti
What: A Girls' Day Out
When: A couple of days after Zoe finds out about Beckett
Where: Shopping area of LA
Warnings: Not really, other than sadness here and there

Summary: After finding out about Belle's lover, Beckett, being killed, Zoe decides on a girls' day out in order to cheer Belle up from the recent tragedy.

Need to shake things up for shits and giggles )

Apr. 12th, 2011


Who: Belle Harper [info]hellsmistress, Julian Ignacio [info]julesignacio, Jeremy Castelle [info]citoyendumonde
What: Baby time, finally
When: 12 April 3 p.m.
Where: Starts off at Belle's house, ends up at the hospital
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Cursing, blood, more cursing, and doctor confusion
Summary: Belle goes into labor

She had honestly forgotten that birth was the most painful thing she had ever experienced )

Apr. 5th, 2011


The first

Who: Belle and Katherine
What: Being miserable and getting everything ready for Niobe
When: 5 April 2011 round Noon-ish
Where: Belle's home.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Language
Status: Complete

Being fat, hot, and miserable )