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September 11th, 2015

[info]wariscomingmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Every version of the story is different. The conversations, the tiny details; they're all told in their own way, with different twists and turns and points delivered to properly execute the tale. The Apocalypse. The final battle. The War to end all Wars which never reached its glorious and fated conclusion. Lucifer, The fallen, The Morningstar. And Michael. The loyal son to an absentee father.

Nothing special. The location of the final battle. A graveyard outside of Lawrence Kansas, and two brothers fighting a desperate battle with the archangels in their minds. Others, heroes from this world and others. Pulled to this place, this graveyard by the thirty third Seal on Lucifer's cage. A chance for a change. A chance to write a new ending.

Many fell. Many dragged into the darkness.

The scars have not healed in Lawrence. Five years on the Seal should have its War won. The fate they saw so long ago. 2014. It has not come to pass. The world is not lost to Lucifer.

But a new threat brews. Talk of a war in heaven. Angels wishing to restart the fight. Have the two brothers play their part and start the world anew free of humanity. A new King sits on the Throne of hell and talks of power to be gained. Power from the souls of monsters.

Heaven. Hell. The eternal struggle, but now a third player. One with strength now known to Lucifer and armies of heaven. The displaced.

Some arrive to help. Some arrive to destroy in their own way. Some cruel, some kind, some hero, some traitor, villain. But all brought by the whims of a power unknown. A lock on a door? Something old, something awakened. It has purpose in its choice.

There are more wars to fight. For the displaced, there may always be more to do.

♦ ♦ ♦

[info]wariscoming is a panfandom RPG that takes place within the universe of the Supernatural fandom. Now running strong for over five years,making us one of the longest currently running Panfandom games on Insanejournal, the game is moving on from it's fifth season arc and loosely follow the events of series six.

You do not need to have any extensive knowledge of the Supernatural to join, so long as you take a moment to check out the FAQS to gain a better understanding on how things work in game!


[info]watchkeeper in [info]fantasy_rpgs



A charming little town...that just won't let you leave.
Premise & Timeline
Wanted Lines
Cast & Groups
A vampire seeking a new clan? Or a wereanimal looking for a place to belong? A witch seeking a new coven to share your craft with? Or maybe you are one that has always had a childhood dream of joining the circus? Rinth is a town that can provide all of that and more. The only cost...is that you can never leave.
Holds Page
Town Description
More Information
Rinth is a closed town, supernatural influenced, game. We focus on writing, plot lines, and character development over fast paced speed. We believe strongly that real life comes first and game writing should be fun and never stressful. Game started November 2014

[info]saintlymods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

St. Margaret's Academy

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

We're at the dawn of the '15 - '16 school year, and it might be the most exciting one yet! The students and teachers will soon find that with the turning of the leaves, newcomers at the Academy, the election of a new Class President, something darker is about to be unleashed - something that will draw powerful forces towards the Academy to prey on its supernatural student body.
Open since 2013 and ready to launch into our new semester after a summer break, St. Margaret's Academy is now looking for more great RPers and fresh faces to add to the fun. Enrol your progeny today!