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September 12th, 2015

[info]manydoorways in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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With the death of Jonathan Levinson the Seal of Danzalthar was broken and the Hellmouth was open again. The First was determined to release all level of hell beasts back onto the Earth, so that he could take over and rule them all. At the same time on the other side of the world The Doctor made a pit stop in Cardiff to charge the Tardis and when the rift opened something happened that even the Doctor could not have forseen. The energy that the Tardis drew from the rift caused an overload and the Seal began drawing things from other dimensions and times. Unfortunately the portal only went one way so everyone that was pulled through was stuck in Sunnydale. If that wasn't bad enough the Scooby Gang still hasn't found a way to close the Hellmouth, so the city is flooded with all sorts of Uber Vampires and Demons. When the Tardis was pulled through the door opened and the doctor and his companions fell out. Then the Tardis was sealed and it became the power source for the portal. An attempt was made by one of the most powerful witches in the world to close the portal and in the end it only made things worse. Now many portals are open to many worlds and these doorways can't be closed. There are many doorways to hell and no matter which one you come through you are now a part of a world where everyday is a fight for survival.

Many Doorways is a Panfandom RPG based on the Worlds of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Doctor Who and Torchwood. We accept all fandoms. Game opens 9/17!

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