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September 20th, 2014

[info]denouement in [info]fantasy_rpgs



MOST WANTED: Fifth years!

[info]brotherhoodmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC

Which side are you on?

The story
Cast list
The Brotherhood is a modern day alternate universe rpg based out of San Fransisco, CA. Supernaturals are now not only living openly, they have taken over the human race and have turned them into slaves. Humans and gifted humans are treated as nothing more than servants and food. Witches and shifters have been exiled to the hills far outside of the city, where they can’t interfere with the happenings of the new government (named The Legion). Fae (fairies) make up the middle class citizens- those that are not thought of as slaves or servants, but are not hold as much power as the vampires and the werewolves. The werewolves and vampires now rule our world, and do so with an iron grip.

The witches and shifters, in their exiled state, have banned together and formed a resistance, named The Brotherhood, in order to one day destroy the Legion and have all races be free and equal. People that are not witches or shifters are more than welcome to be a part of the Brotherhood, so long as they are against the government. The Brotherhood carries out covert missions with the intention of ridding the world of the power that the Legion holds over it.

Once a month, a Purge is held- an event ‘hosted’ by the Legion in which a select group of slaves are allowed freedom within the city of San Francisco to do whatever they please- No rules, no laws, just pure freedom for one night. During those 12 hours (from 8pm-8am), all supernatural must be in their houses, and are not allowed to leave until it is over. However, during those 12 hours, randomly selected members of the Legion are allowed to hunt the freed slaves, much like animals on a safari. If the slave makes it through the night and stays alive, they are taken back to their master and awarded one week off from their duties.

If a werewolf, vampire, or fae is accused and found guilty of a heinous crime (IE: the killing of a Legion member, treason, being a member of the Brotherhood, etc) they may be put into slavery and made to do a Purge night as well.

WARNING: This game contains adult situations and dark themes, including (but not limited to)- sex, death, blood, torture, non-con, kidnapping, etc. If you are under 18, or uncomfortable with any sort of NC-17 situations, you may want to click here to return to the front page and find your way to a new game.

Game opened September 8th

[info]fallsmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Welcome to Serenity Falls

Game | Premise | Rules/FAQs | Apply | Layout

In the mountains of northern California there is a town. It's been there for a very long time but you won't find it on any map. In fact the people who live there have never left it. They were born there and they'll die there. No one knows who founded the town although people have some ideas.Legends say that it was started by the Wheeler family but no one knows for sure, not ever the descendants of those original Wheelers. There's also a legend that a witch cursed the place and a town sprung up. Again no one can prove that since there doesn't appear to be anyone who practices witchcraft in town. Not that they admit to.

About ten years ago, people started showing up in Serenity Falls, people from all over the place, all sorts of times, locations, backgrounds and they settled there. A few started to make lives for themselves with some of the locals and then suddenly after six months, they vanished. No one knows where they went or how they got there in the first place but they never came back.

Until now.

Now it's happening again. Three months ago, people started appearing. They would pop up in the oddest places and at the oddest times. For instance one of them appeared in the shower with a local which caused quite a stir. Just like before nobody knows what's causing this to happen or how to stop it but more and more people arrive every day. The town seems to be growing too as if it knows that it needs to expand to accomodate this new arrivals. In addition to that, a road has opened that leads to a beautiful secluded beatch about half an hour away. That's as far as it goes though, you can't go any further. What's going on in Serenity Falls? No one knows but it's going to be fun.

Serenity Falls is a panfandom/OC game set in a fictional town in northern California. Its focus is on character development and interaction between the townspeople and the newcomers. Both original characters and fandom characters are welcome.


[info]origin_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Origin Project

Premise Read First FAQ Holds

The idea of using prison inmates as human Guinea pigs to test the effects of experimental drugs on humans is ancient. Though the idea itself isn’t new, a group of scientists working for a paramilitary organization have been tasked with recruiting 16 individuals to relocate them to an enclosed environment to be the first to test a very experimental drug in an environment suited for the trials.

So the scientists have fallen back on the familiar -- criminals, people in dire circumstances, and people would no one would miss if something bad should happen. Given the nature of the drug they’re testing and the way they plan to test it … well, the odds of something bad happening are pretty damn high.

Welcome to the Origin Project, where participants voluntarily surrender a year of their life for a substantial sum of money and freedom from all their troubles. All they have to do is survive ...

Project: Origin is an OC/PB game set in the year 2015. It takes place in an enclosed dome with a limited number of spots available. We're thread-heavy, plot-heavy, and very focused on writing and organic character development. No characters can come in with existing connections which lends itself nicely to making friends via interactions. It is a plot-driven game with darker moments, open to all character types -- as long as they have a situation of their own making they need to escape.

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