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December 13th, 2009

[info]thisiswhatimnot in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Traversing Time: Heroes Roleplay



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There is a time to learn.

Time to grow.

Time to change.

Time to kill.

And that time is now. Twenty years into the future, things are different. Things aren't what they used to be or what they should be. Nathan Petrelli is president. The secrets the Company kept have been blown wide open for the public to see and for the government to use. Everyone has an ability. The power is cheap, used and normal.

It's all about the power. Who has it and who knows how to use it. The government has succeeded in creating an elite group of super-powered soldiers. They are 'affectionately' called the 'Supers' by the public. The Supers are the governments weapon against any opposing force and it makes them unstoppable, free to do whatever they want. Who could stop them?

To keep their experiments under control, each Super has a chip implanted into their brain and only the president has access to these chips, only the president can control the Supers. Security, the government calls it. Imprisonment, is how the Supers see it. But their duty is to their country and to the president. They are to protect the innocent and destroy the corrupt. Little do they know that their dear president is a serial killer known as Sylar in disguise and he has the power to make them do whatever he wants, to kill whoever he wants.

Except some of the Supers have found a way to destroy the chip. Rumor is the Rebellion is behind it, that they discovered a 'loop hole'. Scientists are suggesting a malfunction. Whatever the reason, it's made Sylar edgy. Some of the most powerful people are now on the Rebellion's side and they're not afraid of taking the fight to him. But the Rebellion has a better idea.

To defeat the Sylar of the future, they must go and find him in the past, before he became Sylar. No one knows who the man used to be but there are whispers, things their parents told them, clues that will lead them to find the man before he became a monster. Time travel is tricky, delicate and dangerous. But there is no other choice. Sylar has to be stopped.

How far back will they have to go to defeat him?

Can they truly change the future or is destiny unstoppable?

And what will they do when one of their own betrays them?

Join the heroes and the villains as they traverse through time.

[info]lostmodteam in [info]fantasy_rpgs

If We Lost, HP AU RPG

Game Community | Premise and Plot Expectations |
Available and Held Characters | Taken Characters | Rules | Application

Halloween at Godric's Hollow changed the course of history -- a savior was slain in his crib, and a Dark Lord rose to great and lasting power.

Headmistress Umbridge has been murdered, Hogwarts closed indefinitely. Werewolf attacks are on the rise, children taken from loving homes because one parent is a werewolf. St. Mungo's is as much a place of torture as of healing as new and better ways of killing are researched. Traitors hide under the banners they chose, while madmen lead the way. The Order is weak, though mobilizing. Some have lost hope in them, while others strive to resurrect the Phoenix.

No one knows what the future will hold.

The world is different. There is no Boy Who Lived to save you.

Canon Characters

Alastor Moody
Minerva McGonagall
Canon Aurors

More Canon Needed
Original Characters

Ministry Personnel

More Original Needed

Ginny Weasley
George Weasley
Kingsley Shacklebolt

More for Recast

This game is over a year old and extremely active. We are looking for dedicated, imaginative players with the time and inclination to help further develop existing plots and help create entirely new ones.

Applications are open.

[info]clock_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

You might be familiar with Lewis Carroll's masterpiece Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. It was told to be a fantasy world of impossible things. It all started with that eerie white rabbit Alice followed all the way down into a hole that lead her into Wonderland. Now Alice has returned, but her precious mad world has gone even madder.

Clock Spiders is a quality storyline that will focus on the dark version of Alice In Wonderland. It will be something similar to Mcgee's version, but also adding different elements from other versions into the mix. We currently are looking for creative players who are interested in plot-driven storylines and quality writing.

Be sure to check out the premise, rules, faqs, and premades before applying.

Welcome to Clock Spiders.

[info]romyno in [info]fantasy_rpgs

| [info]academy_x | [info]academy_x_ooc | via [info]romyno |

Because saving the world is easy. Dealing with teenage hormones... not so much.

Xavier's School of Gifted Youngsters, Xavier's School of Higher Learning, Xavier's School of Witchcraft and Wiz--no, wait...

Call it what you will. The school is in Winchester, New York, and is filled with mutants. Some of the mutants are hiding from the world--hiding from their friends and family, and others have run away because of their mutation. All are at the school for the same purpose: to learn to better control their powers and make a place for them inside a world that fears them.

Set in real time, this role-playing game takes place at Xavier's School. Students and Faculty are available for play.

| Premise | Rules | Character List | Application |
| School Layout | Friend-All button | Player Contact List |

[info]departedmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


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Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter. Born to Lily and James Potter, left a scarred orphan before his second birthday, and deemed The Chosen One after Voldemort's return. The boy who spent a year scouring the country for the remaining Horcruxes while war raged and countless died.

But what if you could change history?

Shortly before his death in 1997, Albus Dumbledore held a meeting with the Order of the Phoenix, and he invited several of the adult members of the D.A. as well. With the help of the Department of Mysteries, he was able to procure what few time turners remained, and he asked more of the Order than he ever has before. To go back in time, hunt down the Horcruxes, and defeat Voldemort before the second war ever happens. To prevent the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands. To change the course of history.

Most agree, but there are dangers none of them could have foreseen. There is no guarantee they will be able to return to their own time--or survive long enough to try. Darkness permeates every aspect of the wizarding world, and no one outside of the Order can discover who they are. But most importantly, the combined Order must work together and hunt down the Horcruxes before it's too late.

History is changing right before their eyes. But the war isn't over yet--and things are only getting started.

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Alice Longbottom, and Neville Longbottom

[info]whatifmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Game Now Open

~ Premise ~ Rules ~ Character List ~ ~ PB List ~ Application ~ Contact List ~

What if if school had continued as normally for the Trio's seventh year at Hogwarts? What if Dumbledore had been killed, but it wasn't by Snape, but that Bellatrix had done it instead? And no one at school ever figured out for sure that Draco was the original one behind the mission from Voldemort. Speaking of, since Dumbledore's death no one has even heard from the Dark Lord. It seems as if he just disappeared, and though most are still a bit uneasy, a strange sort of calm has come over the wizarding world.

The neutrals tend to be the calmest, either because they can't choose a side or because they truly believe the war has ceased.

Those who have chosen the light are a bit more paranoid. They're still not fans of those who have openly supported the Dark Lord or the Dark Arts in general.

And those on the side of dark? There are secret underground meetings. They're waiting for Voldemort to rise again, some may even think they know the time or place of when it will happen.

Welcome to an alternate reality for Hogwarts in the Trio's seventh year.
It's a world where the biggest question is...what if?

[info]hogsmeademods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

All through time, people are living their lives as normally as possible considering their current conditions, whether it be war or peace in their respective times. They are blissfully unaware of what will come of their futures--or what might not come to pass.

The year is 2010 and people are arriving in an unfamiliar Hogsmeade. The town looks familiar enough for some former Hogwarts students to identify, but for others it has changed drastically and for some it's a pale comparison of what it is to be. These people are arriving from all eras, starting with the beginning of Hogwarts. People are likely to meet their future children and possibly even grandchildren. People are likely to find out what they didn't want to know about their futures.

Then there's the obvious question of how they arrived here. Who caused it and what is their purpose?

The Ministry of Magic is working diligently to find out why these people are here and how to send them back to their own times, but can this be accomplished before time itself is changed?

Game Opens January 2nd!

[info]the_seven in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG (Opening Dec 14)

A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

For five centures, the Targaryens have reigned, yet now the powers of the world watch with greedy anticipation as Westeros sinks into turmoil. The lords of the land have met in Kings Landing to celebrate the coronation, but who among them is already a traitor?

[info]almostcracked in [info]fantasy_rpgs


[info]astheeffingsnow in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Harry Potter AU time-travel game

Premise | Characters | The story so far | Rules & Application

They had been granted an opportunity to put right everything that had gone wrong. Can Harry save his parents? Can Draco fix it so he is never asked to kill Dumbledore? Can Peter escape the lure of the Death Eaters? Can Severus keep Lily safe? Or could they possibly make everything worse?

Want something a little different? Looking for an AU game? A marauder-era game? A trio-era game? A game where you can play an evil Death Eater without people assuming that you are a horrible person in real life? A game where you can play an Order member with some actual opposition in-game? A game with talented players, an abundance of plot, and a promise not to die? ;-) Chronic Resurrection is a dark Harry Potter game set in 1978 and 1999 exploring the AU that arises following the inadvertent time-travel of four key individuals from 1999. We'd love it if you checked us out.

Most wanted:
Canon - Rabastan Lestrange, Regulus Black, Nymphadora Tonks, Ted Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Weasleys (not Ron or Ginny)
Family of played characters - Armand Jugson (sister of Katharina, best friend of Walden, ex-boyfriend/husband of Keagan), Phillip, Kat and Damien Jugson (children of Armand and Keagan Jugson), Odette Avery (wife of Lanyon Avery), Francis Avery (son of Lanyon and Odette Avery)
General - school-aged people in both times and on both sides, more Death Eaters