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July 14th, 2009

[info]justforeverme in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Eidolon City


Everyone needs something to believe in. Heroes to cheer and villains to condemn. It's just a little closer to home here.

Myths and legends walk among us. Fairytales live next door. Ideas and beliefs in human form, manifestations of everything that makes us human - stories made flesh.

Welcome to Eidolon City, where nothing is quite what it seems. Where the man on the street corner could very well be born out of ideas, a walking representation of the Big Bad Wolf, maybe. Or of Hercules. Or maybe he's simply another guy, trying to make his way in the world.

Eidolon City is a brand new game, opening 25h July 2009. Set in a noir-type world, Eidolon City is an original character game. We are looking for characters that are manifestations of fairytales, legends and myths, as well as looking for characters which are just ordinary people.

Eidolon City is a unique game - check it out today!

~*~ Eidolon City ~*~ Premise ~*~ Application ~*~
~*~ Game Information ~*~ Rules ~*~ FAQs ~*~

[info]progeniture in [info]fantasy_rpgs

a next-generation marvel game.
via [info]progeniture

[info]thestoryteller in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Pentamerone - a fairy tale and folklore game on Inksome!

What happens after Happily Ever After?

Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

Once you cross its borders,
you can never return home again.
Game Info § Characters Wanted
Mod Journal § IC Journal § OOC Journal

[info]mysteria_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Mysteria: An Original Supernatural PB RP

An original supernatural rp

What if the town you lived in was filled with the supernatural? What if your next door neighbor was a vampire? How about a werewolf as your 4th period English Teacher? And that girl at the super market? Yeah, she can read your mind.

Welcome to Mysteria where the strange is normal. In a town that was founded by supernaturals, it's generally accepted by the humans that live there that their neighbors are...a bit eccentric. Everyone has a secret here and what happens in Mysteria, stays in Mysteria.

About Us

Mysteria is an original rp set in the supernatural/paranormal genre. We are a game with original characters in an original setting. We are character development focused with character and group plots encouraged. Major plot lines that will affect the game as a whole are given by the mods and all characters are welcome to get involved.

We are looking for players that are looking to have fun while developing their characters and plots with others. Supernatural and human characters alike are needed. Characters of all ages are welcome, but players must be of 18 years of age due to violence and mature content that may occur.

What we have to offer: friendly mods who are there for you and keep you informed; character development and plots; game and group wide plots; characters from every age range; friendly and awesome rpers who are always up for a storyline; no weekly adds, once you're approved we get you added so you don't have to wait to get started!


The Game & [info]mysteria_mods & [info]mysteria_rpg & [info]mysteria_ooc
Follow Us on Twitter

[info]idrismods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Rules & FAQ | Taken | Classes | Wanted | Apply
Have you ever wanted to hurl a fireball or pick up objects with your mind? Or maybe you've the gift of sight, able to predict and foretell future? Imagine if you've lived on Earth for centuries, traveling from place to place. Or maybe you're able to shapeshift into an animal of your choice whenever you chose to.

Students at the Idris Academy can do all that and more. And their powers get stronger day by day.

These students race dragons and play Blitzball as competitive sports. They duel in the Arena and swordfight in their free time. They learn ordinary subjects like math and science. And then there are classes like magical disguises, runic studies, astrology and divination. The activities and possibilities are endless.

Who will you be in Idris? Join now to find out!
Activities | Setting | School | Magical Groups
Drop Box | Threads | OOC

[info]chaosmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Chaos Awakened
Marauder Era Game


Wanted DEs:
Severus Snape,
All Lestrange's,
Lord Voldemort,
Alecto and Amycus Carrow,
Augustus Rookwood,
and many more!

Wanted Order:
Peter Pettigrew,
Emmeline Vance,
Frank Longbottom
Dorcas Meadowes,
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Elphias Doge and more!
Have you ever asked yourself: What if? What if the future could be altered? What if people didn’t die when “it was their time”? What if they lived on, having been able to escape fate?

In September 1979, a young and scared man had been fated to die at the terrifying hands of Inferi. While he lay, cold and wet, believing his worst memories were happening right in that moment, he felt a warm hand. The House Elf, sobbing and rocking back and forth, had been found by Albus Dumbledore. While the old wizard couldn’t get a straight answer from the Elf, he did catch snippets of what was said: Master Regulus! Dying! Cave! In that moment, Dumbledore knew what he must do. He could not leave the young man to his death. He had to find a way to save him.

Dumbledore reached Regulus with little time to spare. The man was writhing on the floor, delusional and sobbing. And in his hand, he held a locket. That curiosity that so often came along with Albus Dumbledore had to be suppressed as he looked around for anything that might help the young man. That’s when he saw the cup. Picking it up quickly, he immediately conjured up water. But the cup wouldn’t hold it. Every time the water was about to touch the cup it would vanish. He was left with only one thing to do. In one swift motion, he dipped his hand into the cold water. The effects were instantaneous: The water practically erupted as the Inferi seemed to come to life. But first, Dumbledore made sure the man received the drink.

Even as the first drops met his lips, Regulus began to feel the delusions slipping away. He felt his sanity returning to him and it was a moment before he realized what was happening: Albus Dumbledore was fighting off Inferi that were threatening to attack. Once his mind was cleared, Regulus joined in the fight. He remembered the little boat and wondered if they would both be able to fit in it. They certainly couldn’t swim back, and he had tried Apparition. But even that hadn’t worked.

But he needn’t figure out a plan, for Dumbledore had already figured it out. “Get in the boat!” Came the booming voice and Regulus was quick to obey. He entered the boat and when he had squeezed to the opposite end he realized the boat was moving. It had left without the older wizard. He had tried to stop the boat, but it wouldn’t seize its journey back, and when he had exited it on the opposite bank it returned immediately to the little island. Regulus waited impatiently and before too long, the boat was returning with a still-fighting Dumbledore in its center. The boat docked, Dumbledore stepped out, and the two of them ran for the entrance to the cave.

Regulus could not return to his old life. He could not return home and expect to see his parents again, because he had betrayed the Dark Lord and Kreacher had already told them he was dead and he would surely be found out for his betrayal. Instead, he was allowed to stay at Hogwarts until he was able to figure out a plan.

It is now December 1979 and with Dumbledore’s help, Regulus was able to hide his identity and begin a new life. The tides had turned and while he was once a firm follower of Lord Voldemort, his beliefs had changed. Within a matter of months he had been allowed into the Order of the Phoenix as a full-fledged member. Now, with his help the Order just may be able to crack the secrets. They may be able to save those whose lives would surely be lost.
|x| code |x|

[info]axis_citymods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Ever wished you were a superhero?




Character Directory

Most Needed Characters

The Editor
Eliot Shaw
Jessica Hastings

Email Us

It would only take one more attack to push them over the edge.

Axis City is a bustling metropolis, populated by all kinds of people. Even those who can fly. Untested technology and scientific misadventure has gifted people with powers beyond their wildest imagination, and the city is in the grips of a crime wave unlike any other it has ever known. The police battle desperately with criminals they can’t contain and Super Heroes are mistrusted and feared for the damage they cause.

Mayor Harlan Mendyk faces an unpalatable decision- to pass legislation to register all those with powers or allow them to keep their secret identities and risk being hounded out of office. City Hall is splintered; Police Chief Simone Weaver thinks that the Supers can be used in the fight for Justice, DA Dylan Stone thinks they are vigilantes.

Axis City is a city divided.

The only person benefiting is corrupt business man Alexander Moretti. His influence spans every strata of Axis society and as the final debate nears he plans to be sitting on the top of the pile.

Axis City is Open and Accepting Applications

[info]riddikulus_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

post-hogwarts trio-era

The year is 2000. After seven tumultuous years, everything is calm. Harry Potter has defeated the Dark Lord, and things are finally as they were always meant to be.

Hypothetically. Nearly two years after the war, and witches and wizards everywhere are still having trouble putting their lives back together. Missing friends, dead family, strained relationships, and social inadequacies are causing mixed feelings everywhere. What should have been a perfect time is now, to put it best, awkward. There are so many people who don't quite know what to do with themselves now that the world isn't in grave peril.

Lucky for them, there are still a few people out there looking to change that.

Riddikulus is a game focused on character development and interaction. We offer writing prompts, a driven plot, a quill-bearing Rita, and fun players. We hope to see you soon!

WANTED: Harry Potter, Arthur Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Charlie Weasley, Viktor Krum, Melinda Bobbin, Terry Boot, Susan Bones, one Montgomery twin, Seamus Finnigan, Eddie Carmichael, Michael Corner, Kevin Whitby, Terence Higgs, Zacharias Smith, Oliver Wood, Dean Thomas, Parvati & Padma Patil, Death Eaters, Blood Purists, and TONS more!
Characters | Cast | Apply | Rules | Wanted



[info]wands_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[Wands] is a post-Deathly Hallows game set at St. Mungo's. The game has a loose [Scrubs] theme but remains DH canon.

[info]wands_mod for more info on [info]my_rpg and [info]my_ooc

Game opens Sunday.

[info]hunted_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

// main // network // ooc // mods //

It's happening more and more. There may be a genetic link, occasionally it happens at random, but it's happening. People all over the country, all over the world, are waking up different. Every morning, the world itself waking up different, reborn as the next step in human evolution slowly begins to assert itself.

This change, this new branch of humanity, isn't welcomed by everyone. In fact, most hate and fear these people who are different. There are sinister forces at work here and every single one of us is a cog in the clockwork.

The Hunted is a Heroes Universe Panfandom RPG. Characters are plucked from their realities and dropped into this one, all to assist in the coming fight for survival. Who will show up next? Will they have a gift, or will they be one of the unevolved?

// rules // application // premise // taken // wanted // held //

[info]aslan_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Don’t go to sleep. Don’t close your eyes. Keep them open. Open them as wide as you possibly can. Look around you. Take in your surroundings. What is this place?

You may ask: Where have the trains and the skyscrapers gone?

Or you may ask: Where is Cair Paravel? Where are the Lone Islands?

What you will soon come to learn is that you have entered into Aslan’s Land. This is not Narnia at all, but a place resembling Narnia in every aspect. Every tiny detail, right down to the last grain of sand. But how can it not be Narnia? You see, whatever place you may have dreamed of is here. The land, the cities, the towns, the people. They are all Narnian, even if this place is not Narnia itself. In such a place, even skyscrapers may be brought back. You simply have to know where to look.

But even in such a beautiful and peaceful place dangers and evils await. This land, Aslan’s Land, was meant for the good. It was meant for the peaceable. It was not meant for the evil or dangerous. It was not meant for those who seek corruption and vanity. But they still found their ways here. To remove them, to make them leave would be a difficult task. For even the most evil of persons may very well have been the person closest to you. Would you allow them to stay? Or would you help to rid the land of them? To return them to the place they truly belonged. Each is given his or her own choice. Choose it well. For that decision may very well decide your destiny. That decision may mean leaving this land.

What happens to one after entering Aslan’s Land? How far must they go before finding their destiny? Or does destiny even exist in such a place? Do all who come there truly belong? Or have some found the backdoor into this wondrous land? What wonders, adventures, spectacles could possibly be waiting beyond that shore? Only those who have found their way truly know. These are the stories of such creatures. Of a place called Aslan’s Land.

Set to open when there are enough characters for play.

Premise, Rules, FAQs, Wanted, Taken, Regions, Application, Held
Wanted: Digory Kirke, Edmund Pevensie, Jadis, Eustace Scrubb, Jill Pole, Emerald Witch, Cor, Rabadash, Polly Plummer, Tirian, and many more!

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


It has been many years since Voldmort's defeat, the British wizarding society is at peace. Kingsley Shacklebolt has kept his position of Minister of Magic, Minerva McGonagall resides as the Hogwarts Headmistress. The society as a whole is happy, well, and prosperous. Hogwarts has long since been repaired and fully active, students are content. Life is good... All was well.

Or so they thought.

All's Not Well is a next-generation Harry Potter roleplay game. The story starts on the first day of school for the 2023-2024 school year. In present time, this roleplay started on June 1st, 2009. This RP has drama, hilarity, and serious plot combined into one. New plot-lines up every week and plenty of ideas ready to go once we get a few more members!


[info]startrek_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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Game began July 1st, 2009