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July 15th, 2009

[info]theorymod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Theory Of Genesis: An Original RPG
premise | rules | FAQ | universe information | character information | held/taken | application
In the age of science, religion makes way for technology. Blog sites and social networks are our churches, medicine and science are our saviors. Faith makes way for answers. With everything and everyone at our fingertips, miracles seem a thing of the past, a quaint ignorant belief quickly being filtered out of our collective conscience. And now, with the genome mapped, the missing links nearly proving evolution, and medicine offering near-eternal life, it seems society has lost use of its God.

Well, He feels much the same way.


Theory of Genesis is an original character angels/Fallen/demon/magic RPG, loosely based in the Vertigo imprint of DC comics. The plot focuses around the basic premise of the story of Preacher: What if God left creation? What would become of the Heavenly Host, without direction? Would Hell take the opportunity to take control? And what of the humans, stuck in the middle, caught mostly unawares?

Highly-involving mod-coordinated plots, personal plots welcome, guaranteed storylines, and plenty of room for all sorts of interaction!

Interested yet? Check out the full premise for more information (including information on the universe, angels and demons, and magic), and then head on over for your holds!

Opens tonight- seeking more Angels and Humans (magic or otherwise)
[info]theoryofgenesis [info]theorynetwork [info]theoryooc [info]theorymod

[info]entente in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]cityofgotham / [info]entente
a batman game.

who doesn't love a good retcon?

wanted: superman, wonder woman, j'onn j'onnz, green lantern, killer croc, oswold cobblepot, harvey dent, barbara gordon, james gordon, dr victor fries, lex luthor, vicki vale, and a million more!

[info]advertisemyrp in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Durmstrang Uber Alles - A Durmstrang Harry Potter game on Inksome!

By the pricking of my thumbs...

The Black Forest is home to the fairy tales creatures we know and love...and the ones that haunt our dreams at night. In the heart of these woods, hidden away from view, is the Durmstrang Institute. But Durmstrang has always been safe from outside threats, whether they be Muggle or magical. Nothing has ever managed to get inside the school and threaten students' lives. Until now.

Something's coming. Hunting, stalking, seeking, and it won't stop until it finds what it's looking for. Or until it's dead. How many people will die before this new menace is caught and stopped? What is it that's coming? Better question: will you survive?

[info]quadriviummods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Full Game Premise | Quadrivium RPG

Everyone knows the story of James and Lily Potter and the story of their son, Harry, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell is off to Albania where he will become a vessel for the weakened Dark Lord, Charlie Weasley and his friends are in their seventh-year at Hogwarts, learning all about love, life, and Quidditch, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

Everyone stands at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead holds a mystery. Which paths in life will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must choose.

Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990 focusing on character development. Game opened May 09, 2009.

Most Wanted: Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Andromeda & Ted Tonks, Bill, Percy, & Charlie Weasley, Oliver Wood, Students, Teachers, & many others!

[info]restricted_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Restricted Section/Character List/Application/Rules

Restricted Section is a NON-CANON Harry Potter Year Six Marauder Era RPG. We are looking for experienced,active and adult players who are just looking to have a good time with other talented writers! We're both Het and Slash friendly and were currently looking for SEVERAL main characters, such as

Frank Longbottom
Amycus Carrow
Rodolphus LeStrange
Bellatrix Black
Rabastan LeStrange
Lucius Malfoy
Andromeda Black
Quidditch Players

and more!

OPENING JULY 5TH so apply now!HURRY! Characters are going FAST! Any questions can be sent to RestrictedSection.Mods@Yahoo.com and will be answered as soon as possible! There are rules and guidelines but remember, its all about having fun!

[info]savants in [info]fantasy_rpgs






  • Male characters
  • Windosr House
  • Evadeam House

  • During the infamous witch craze of the 1600’'s, Sarah Evans and her daughters, with the help of a local, Native American shaman founded Ipwich Academy in Salem Village, (now known as) Danvers, Massachusetts. Sarah, under the guise of a midwife, opened her home to young witches, and as their powers flourished, so did the Academy. In 1875 the buildings that are known today as Ipwich Academy were erected and became an officially recognized magical institution.

    It wasn't until the 1900's and the war that raged on in Europe that the Academy finally opened it's doors to wizards as well as witches, along with allowing children from outside of North & South America.

    Ipwich is a Harry Potter-esque game set in Danvers, Massachusetts in the year 2009. It is an original game based on the world created by J.K. Rowling and has incorporated all the favorite aspects of Harry Potter with the leverage to find its own path in the choice of characters, blood, items, spells, and future destinations.

    We will cap the game off with 10-12 players. We are looking for active, creative writers to join our little family of players.


    [info]detruire in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    Rules Ω Premise Ω F.A.Q. Ω Application Ω Drop Box
    Character List Ω Cast Page Ω Weather Ω Safe Houses
    Friends Button/Contact

    Lord Voldemort fell to his demise on May 02, 1998 at the hands of The Boy-Who-Lived. Harry Potter and the rest of the wizarding world were left to clean up the mess that was left behind, but it all seemed worth it if that meant they were free of such a great and terrible wizard. Many of the Dark Lord's followers were found guilty and sentenced to spend time in Azkaban prison, and Kingsley Shacklebolt was appointed as the new Minister of Magic. He had hired Harry, Ron, and Neville shortly after the battle to help him in his pursuit to find the remainder of Voldemort's followers, and the dark era finally seemed as if it was coming to an end.

    It is now 2001 and while the wizarding world is still struggling to pick up the pieces from the destruction that the war produced. People no longer have to live in fear of Voldemort targeting their family because they did not follow the Death Eater's regime, and they are free to live their every day lives as normal as possible for witches and wizards. They go to work and come home to their families, they're purchasing flats and no longer clutch their wands while they are alone. But their false sense of security is about to be turned upside down.

    A dark force has begun to rise up into their midst, a dark force that no one saw coming. No one except for the one that made the prophecy so many years ago. He is coming from a foreign country, and the Death Eaters are starting to feel this new rush of power that is beginning to make their Marks more troublesome than they had been in the past few years. Will the Death Eaters concede to this new force that is slowly approaching in hopes of creating a new Dark Lord, or will they rebel against it? And will the supporters of the Order of the Phoenix fight back against them, or be forced into hiding? Only time will tell.