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Dec. 13th, 2009


So here it is, this game we've been saying is more like a PSL than anything for the last few months. Do you guys want me to just officially call it a group PSL?

Edit: Done. I cut out all of the extra characters and swept Ginny and removed Miriam from my own list as I haven't played her since the accident. We're a PSL.

Dec. 11th, 2009


gone for the weekend

hey guys! so i'm leaving tonight and will try to finish up/tie up my threads before i head out. ill be busy at work most of the day but ill try to fit in a couple of tags here and there. i'll be back on sunday night to tag though! :)

Nov. 18th, 2009


My replies are going to be kind of slow for the next few days. I'm really swamped with school work. I am planning on finishing all the threads I have open. But it might just take me a while. Please bear with me and I'm sorry.

Nov. 16th, 2009


HI GUYS! I'm back ^^ So sorry about the hiatus! I'm going to be slow up through January but I'll be around fairly consistently!

Soo here's where my boys have been:

Percy -> Off the continent doing Ministry work, as Audrey posted.
Marcus -> Let's say his father died a month ago and he had to go home to deal with that.
Adrian -> He's been around. But he works in the Morgue so nobody really visits him.

Oct. 20th, 2009


What do we need/want for characters for plot?

Oct. 19th, 2009


Hey people! It's Alissa with my new char! He's technically my fifth, but I gave up Kirley because he was too hard to get interaction. So here I am with my fourth and hopefully last (keep these muses opressed!) character for a long time.

This is Cooper Summerby. He's 21 (i think? his info is in his bio. I'm doing this from memory) years old and he's the twitchy security guard at the Hospital. He's a big giant germaphobe so keep those dirty hands away from him. He's got a few nervous ticks, but he'll never ever bite his nails (CAN YOU IMAGINE THE DIRT UNDER THERE?!). He's pretty socially awkward, but he tries his best. For the rest of his stuff, check his bio. I'm really grasping at straws to remember here, and I'm thinking it'll take too much effort to go and look.

Anywho. AIM and email are still the same. Plot?

Oct. 14th, 2009


Lisa needs a girl friend to talk to about Roger and her other problems in life. Because Jamie is on hiatus, she doesn't have Marcus around for that stuff. Ima improvise. Any takers?

Oct. 10th, 2009


Please please please bear with me. Work and school are taking all my time lately, and when it's not, I'm trying to get out of the house as much as possible. I'm trying to catch up and be available as much as I can but it might be a while before I can do more than one or two tags a day. I'm probably definitely going to be at my computer every night from 11-12pm EST and can possibly get a bit more tags in then, but other wise, its going to be slow. =[

Sep. 29th, 2009


I'm sorry. Another apology/hiatus post.

A family friend passed away last night sort of unexpectedly (she had breast cancer that spread all over her body in the past 5 years, but I saw her two weeks ago and she was talking and sort of mobile but Thursday night they gave her a couple weeks and she died Monday night). I was very close with her and therefore this is hitting me like a stone wall. I'm going to try and keep up with things but I am having trouble keeping my head on straight. Please bear with me.

Sep. 28th, 2009


Hiatus!! Tuesday morning, I'm leaving for Disney World and won't be back until Sunday evening. I have no idea if we'll even have a computer with us let alone the time to actually check anything. So, I'm on complete hiatus until Sunday night. I have one open thread - so, Missy I hope you'll understan that it's on hiatus till I get back. We'll just assume my characters are just milling around, being normal, just in the background for the time being.
I'd like to say I can't wait to get back to everyone - but I've been looking forward to this trip for months, so I hope it doesn't go by TOO fast!!

- Lindsay (x-posted)
Emma, Lavender

Sep. 23rd, 2009


Been a long time coming...

Bye bye to:


Sep. 22nd, 2009


Miriam is just not happening. It's hard to get an anti-social character interaction. That said, who do you guys want?


Crossposted: Tybee, Marvel, Wands

Hey guys, I probably should have made a post LAST Tuesday, but I really thought I'd get more internet time this week. I went to Birmingham, then we drove to ATL for Anime Weekend Atlanta. Registered for wedding gifts, went shopping with the mother in law, etc. Needless to say, it was a packed weekend and my host for Saturday had a locked network and didn't remember her password, so I had a chance to tag but not really post.

If you think there's anything big I missed with your characters, let me know. I should be back tonight (barring any more flight problems.) Birmingham has free internet so I'll be in Wifi for about 20 more mins before everyone else is stingy and tries to make me pay.

Plots? Let's put a little skip in this game's step.


The flu has hit me. Going to health services tomorrow. I pray it isn't the kind with the snout and curly tail, but I do feel like I am dying. I will be back when I can. Hopefully I'll make a speedy recovery. <3

Sep. 14th, 2009


I feel like it's just one thing after another iwth me, but I apologize for my absence last night. I went to a Sondre Lerche concert, and embarrassingly, passed out in the front row, right in front of the stage. BEFORE SONDRE EVEN GOT ON. I passed out during the shitty opening band and ruined the third time I would have seen Sondre live. I'm so pissed. Anywho, the club called an ambulance which took me to a hospital in Boston. And that's where I was last night for the better of two hours. They weren't sure if I was having a heart attack or not, because when I woke up, my left side was numb. My EKG is normal, though. For everyone wondering.

I think I've got a touch of the flu, though. So my tags are going to be slow. Surprise, surprise. Nothing against the normal. I'm begininning (can't even spell that word right and I'm not going to try. my brain cells died apparently) to think I've got a terrible track record with the new players who haven't played with me before. I swear I'm not flaky. Or at least not THIS flaky. It appears as though I've got a raincloud following my parade, though.

Bear with me. I'm actually really stressed out as to the reason I passed out. It's never happened to me before in such a public setting under ordinary circumstances.

Sep. 13th, 2009


Hey everyone, Lindsay here with my second character. This is Emma Dobbs, she's 20 (three years behind Harry and Co. at Hogwarts) and a nurse on the Janus Thickney Ward. She's sort of a spoiled brat, though the war mellowed her out a little bit - she lost her father in the war and her mother went crazy. No one but Madame Strout knows that Emma's mum is on the Ward.

She played Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team and supports the Kenmare Kestrels (Go Irish!). Emma is very good at her job and takes her job very seriously. When she has time for a social life, Emma likes the finer things in life and is somewhat materialistic.

Ummm, more info is in her bio... it's late here and I sort of suck at an intro right now! So, comment here or hit me up on AIM to plot! Biz4Bubbles

Sep. 8th, 2009


I'm back too! Sorry to everyone who I've left hanging with plots and such. I just had a really hectic couple of weeks. If anyone is up for a thread, I'll be around tomorrow night and maybe tonight for a bit if someone wants to throw something up. I'm just laying in my bed relaxing and watching Rushmore. First time I've relaxed in a while.


omg im back.

who do i owe a thread?!

Sep. 5th, 2009


Hey guys!

Just a quick heads-up that I am in the process of slowly moving from one apartment to the other, so my activity might be a little inconsistent over the next few weeks. I am doing my best to keep up, but I've already started packing, and this weekend, especially, I might only get in one or two tags. But rest assured, I'm still around, and will be available as much as possible.


Katie (aka Ron)

Aug. 31st, 2009


Let's jump on open threads:


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