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May 17th, 2009

[info]blackline_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Can you keep a Secret?

You are a millionaire. Maybe you're a self made entrepreneur, maybe you were born into money, maybe you gambled your way to the good life. The why does not matter, the facts are simple: The world is your oyster. You waste away your days in the ways that only the most wealthy and privileged can, but it all becomes monotonous. That's when you hear it whispered. The Island. You see the excited sparkle in your friend's eyes as they allude to it in hushed tones. No one will speak openly of it, people scatter and eyes avert when you mention it. You ask, you threaten, you bribe, finally a friend tells you to purchase a ticket on a small private jet. Upon boarding, you are handed a pamphlet.

Welcome to Revolve )


[info]head_thieves in [info]fantasy_rpgs

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[info]thiefs_downfall [info]behind_downfall
Characters Taken PBs Rules Application

The Fountain of Magical Brethren in the Ministry of Magic attests to the great spirit of cooperation and camaraderie that exists between wizards and other magical creatures. For centuries, the magical citizens of the wizarding world have been lead to believe that though, they have a sense of harmony with other magical creatures, they're still superior to other magical creatures.

But is that really the case?

With the dark Lord Voldemort gone, the magical world quickly lulled itself into a false sense of security and peacefulness. Most wizards quickly forgot the alliances they had forge to help defeat Voldemort and his followers.

The goblins are growing impatient with these slights, and they believe they should be treated on a more equal footing. As wizards continue to ignore these calls for equality, going about things as they always had, the goblins move closer to all out rebellion.

Wizards may soon learn the consequences of upsetting those who control the gold that helps their society run.

[info]thiefs_downfall is a post Hogawarts game set in 2003.

Most Wanted: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Ernie MacMillian, Hannah Abbott, Pansy Parkinson

Opened May 1st, 2009.

[info]forevermod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Game hasn't started yet! we need a Jacob to start the game!! There are also plenty of other majour roles still available for pick up, such as Carlisle, Emmett, Jasper, Esme, All but Leah and Seth for the shapshifters, ALL the humans are available, And all but Heidi of the Volturi are available!!! So come join!

[info]thetimeleapmod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Held||Rules|| Application

It is the year 2009 and something strange is happening at the X-Mansion; Dr. Hank McCoy has detected a tear in the space time continuum. Suddenly a portal opens and a ship comes through landing in the X-hangar with a loud bang, and then the portal closes as quickly as it had opened. The ship was damaged very badly, but thankfully all of the crew survived. This is how the crew of the USS Enterprise found themselves in this primitive world, with no way of knowing how to get home.

Spock had discovered that someone from his time was planning to come back to this primitive world and assassinate a man by the name of Logan. Logan was destined to survive many more years thanks to his healing abilities and he would become a great general with the federation. He was destined to save many lives, and if he was to be murdered now it would tip the odds. So Captain Kirk led his crew in what seemed to be a suicide mission back in time to save this one man.

Now they were all trapped here, because the time warp equipment that Spock had built was damaged and the materials that they needed to fix it had not been discovered yet. Their only hope was to wait for the assassination attempt on Logan's life and make sure their mission was not in vain. Who would this villain be? Would anyone from Earth be willing to aid them in their attempt? Can Logan be saved or are the odds not in his favor?

Two days after the Enterprise landed Gotham City was attacked by a ship with superior technology. Was this our villain or is there more than one evil plot at work here? Bruce Wayne gathered the team he had in Gotham and went to face the ship, but unfortunately they came back defeated only to find Wayne Manor destroyed and Alfred Pennyworth murdered.

When the time comes everyone must choose a side. The battle begins, who will you stand with?

[info]fugitives_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Heroes Fugitives

ReOpening on Monday May 18th, 2009!
Rachel Mills, The Haitian, Sandra Bennet,
Meredith, Red Eye, Carlos and more!!

After the events of March 29th, 2007 our Heroes are disheartened, spread across the U.S., and quickly losing their numbers.
And to make matters worse, one of their own was working up a plan that would sacrifice his peers to better himself.
As if that weren't enough, someone is out there with malicious intent toward people who are "special".
Someone is hunting and rounding up anyone with abilities. No one knows who the hunter is or where the hunter comes from.
And no one knows where their peers are going. Will opposing sides find allies in each other to end this menace,
or will they do as they always have and serve only themselves and their own purposes? Only time will tell...
and time is something they're running out of.
heroesfugitives fugitives_mod fugitives_ooc
HeroesFugitives will run parallel to Volume 4 of the series
starting from March 30th, 2007 (after episode 3.13 Dual) and run in real time.
We will be mostly AU from there, but will incorporate some of the events
that take place in the rest of season 3 with our game.

[info]pseudolife in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Need Some Storylines Filled

[I NEED] Ron Weasley & Charlie Weasley & Death Eaters!
[GAME] [info]doublecrossed A 2004 postwar game where someone has set off the Dark Mark again.
[I PLAY] Hermione Granger (living with Ron, impatiently waiting for him to propose!) & Rabastan Lestrange (leading the DEs with Rodolphus) & Hestia Jones (married to Charlie w/ 1 daughter and pregnant with triplets, they just returned to London)

[ABOUT ME] My name is Alicia. I'm 24. Creative Writing is my minor. Excellent grammar & spelling. Active! Friendly!
[EXPERIENCE] Over 10 years on a variety of mediums (tabletop, chatrooms, messageboards, yahoogroups, journals, etc). 11 in the SM fandom, 8 in BtVS, 6 in HP, 5 in VC, 3 in RE & SH. Current/Previous characters/games are located here at my character journal on ij.
[WANT] Activity. Quality. Canon.
[DON'T WANT] The Usual- mean people, bad grammar, crap spelling, netspeak, inactivity, etc.

[info]magic_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Magic School: A CrossOver Game

Now accepting applications! Game starts when we reach 15 characters.
What if Salem Witches' Institute is the very same Magic School the Halliwells protect? Perhaps centuries ago the Ministry of Magic orchestrated a separation of Church and State that excluded the Elders and WhiteLighters from interfering with European witchcraft. But their reach didn't extend to the American colonies where magic was stifled and only encouraged by WhiteLighters. Now it's nearly 25 years after the battles against Voldemort and the Ultimate Power. Both Hogwarts and Salem Institute are open again. But when the peace of both sides is threatened, Potters and Halliwells will have to unite wizards and witches everywhere under a common cause.

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


It has been many years since Voldmort's defeat, the British wizarding society is at peace. Kingsley Shacklebolt has kept his position of Minister of Magic, Minerva McGonagall resides as the Hogwarts Headmistress. The society as a whole is happy, well, and prosperous. Hogwarts has long since been repaired and fully active, students are content. Life is good... All was well.

Or so they thought.

All's Not Well is a next-generation Harry Potter roleplay game. The story starts on the first day of school for the 2023-2024 school year. In present time, this roleplay starts on June 1st, 2009

[info]mods_alteration in [info]fantasy_rpgs

The Alteration: A Dark Next Generation HPRPG

The Alteration:
A Dark, Non-Epilogue Compliant Next-Gen Hogwarts Roleplay

Sometime between the fall of the Dark Lord and nineteen years later, something went horribly wrong...

click here for more information

[info]mods_peripeteia in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Peripeteia: An Adult Greek Gods RP

An Adult Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day.
With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.

( Click here for more information! )