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December 31st, 2007

[info]rising_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs



PB game set in the aftermath of a zombie outbreak. The application is now up. If you already have a pb on hold, now's the time to make your application. There's still plenty of time to get your holds in. Applications made without a prior request for a hold will be placed on the hold list until opening to prevent multiple applications for the same pb.

Don’t forget to join [info]atr_storylines while you’re waiting.

[info]dc_marvel_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

DC vs. Marvel RPG

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The world was as it was a place where the balance of good and evil was always being swayed. Individuals known to have amazing strengths were always exulted for their never ending battle against those that never stopped causing havoc on the face of the earth. They were referred to as heroes.

Unfortunately, just as there were those who looked upon the heroes in exultation, there were those who considered them a plague who only infested the world with more evil. It was them who began experimentations and highly classified projects in weaponry to take the duty of bringing justice to the world back. Whether it was them who struck first or the latter, parallel universes began to merge into. People, places, and even justice itself seemed to have taken a tip down a hill. Through all this chaos everyone began to loose hope as new villains began to take over the streets and the undergrounds. No one could stop the end from coming but them.
Heroes from both dimensions began to sprout out realizing what had occurred. Although they were dispersed in different places they all held the same goal: stop evil on its tracks. Many looked upon each other as enemies or rivals. Some were called ‘The Justice League’ while others called themselves the ‘Avengers’. Differences and conflicts between heroes were giving the villains more time to recuperate. Could there be peace long enough to rid the world of chaos… this is where our story begins…

As a player, you will have to choose what side you’re on- a villain or a hero? You will have a great range of any Marvel or DC characters from any fandom. It will be up to you to decide if teaming up or staying separated is the key. Remember, the world’s fate lies in your hands after all…

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|…RP Journal…|…OOC Journal…|…Application Drop Off

|…Taken Characters…|…NPC List...|...Rules/ Regulations…|…Application…|

|…Head Mod…|

[info]tle_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


In anticipation of Harry Potter losing the protection of his relatives on his seventeenth birthday, hours before his death, Albus Dumbledore created a spell that could save the lives of thousands and change the course of magical history. It is a spell that on 31 July 1997, unexpectedly sends Harry, Dumbledore's Army, and the Order of the Phoenix back in time to the year 1978. There they are tasked with meeting up with the original Order, sharing the knowledge of the Horcruxes, and doing everything in their power to defeat the Dark Lord. Question is, will it be enough? And will the original members be able to handle news of their fates? Some discover they have died, others meet themselves alive and twenty years older, but they all have one thing in common: a desire to destroy Lord Voldemort.

Except there was one small glitch. They weren't the only ones sent back. Friends, loved ones, and enemies have also been sent back, and they, too, are armed with knowledge of the future. Instead of being the covert operation Dumbledore was expecting, it has turned into a race against time.

It is 1978 -- three years before Harry Potter defeats the Dark Lord, three years before Lily and James Potter die to protect their son, and three years before Sirius Black is framed for thirteen murders that Peter Pettigrew commits. But they're not just here to save their own lives. They're here to change the course of history.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Regulus Black | Lavender Brown | Greta Catchlove
Caradoc Dearborn | Benjy Fenwick | Seamus Finnigan
Fenrir Greyback | Minerva McGonagall (1978 and 1997)
Marlene McKinnon | Alastor Moody | Theodore Nott
Padma Patil | Harry Potter | Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett | Kingsley Shacklebolt | Emmeline Vance
Arthur Weasley (1978 and 1997) | Charlie Weasley
George Weasley | Molly Weasley (1978 and 1997)


[info]the_last_enemy [info]tle_ooc [info]tle_mods

[info]shocking_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Premise / Rules / Application / Taken and Available Characters / Taken PBs / Player Contact Info and Friends Button (locked)

Rebuild (ree-bild) - verb
--1. to repair; to dismantle and reassemble with new parts
--2. to replace, restrengthen, or reinforce
--3. to revise, reshape, or reorganize

They say that rebuilding is a process filled with hope, sweat, and joy. The hope of a better future, the sweat from your back, and the joy from the promise it brings. Nobody ever mentioned the pain. Nobody ever mentioned the suffering of the stress or the grief that builds every day you enjoy something a loved one can no longer do. That's when the Aftershock of the situation sets in.

On 2 May 1998, the Battle of Hogwarts was fought. Several lives were lost and many more were injured on both sides prior to Harry Potter casting the final death blow against Voldemort. Numerous Death Eaters were captured and sent to Azkaban to await trial, while others managed to escape.

The dust has yet to settle, and everyone is in the process of regrouping to begin what will be the long road to recovery. Several were brought to St. Mungo's to begin the process of healing, their families taking care of them. The ones who could have begun to start cleaning up and rebuilding what had been lost, while some have discussed starting the hunt for the fugitive Death Eaters.

There were many children from both sides of the War who were left orphaned or otherwise abandoned. The Aurors, in conjunction with St. Mungo's, have set up a temporary home for them, hoping to place them with loving families.

There are many questions. Where does the Ministry now stand? Will the remaining Death Eaters regroup and retaliate? Is the Order still strong enough to handle anything that may happen? Is St. Mungo's able to handle the number of casualties? What about those who want to see justice served against those who killed their loved ones, no matter the cost?

Right now, it is two weeks after the Battle. Hogwarts is currently in a state of disrepair, as are the lives of many who fought there. As everyone begins to pick up the pieces after the War, this is where the game starts. Anything could happen as the aftershock settles in.

We are especially looking for:

Harry, Draco, Lucius, Fleur, Charlie, Narcissa, Kingsley, Tonks, Andromeda, Percy, Molly, Arthur, Order Members, Dumbledore's Army Members, and Death Eaters. Many characters are free!

The game is compliant to Deathly Hallows with a few minor exceptions, and is AU after that. The epilogue will not be followed.

For more information, please email the mods at

[info]amortentia_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Rules Characters Parents PBs Apply Wanted

Skip to August of 2023. Students in Harry's year have been out of school for almost 25 years and are pursuing their desired careers, raising families, and sending their own children off to Hogwarts. These children, having no horrible war to look forward to, are living carefree teenage lives.

AMORTENTIA? Something strange begins to brew in the wizarding community. People suddenly begin to get sick, reporting symptoms that include a combination of fever or chills, slight hair loss, bright pink spots, itching, and hallucinations. What starts as a small outbreak begins to spread quickly throughout various towns and even Hogwarts, baffling Healers. If untreated, the disease can be fatal. These conditions have no known catalyst and, even more frightening, no known cure. It is highly contagious.

COMING SOON? After some time it will be discovered that the horrific new disease is linked with the love potion Amortentia, and thus referred to as the "Love Plague." Treatment will be developed to hold the disease at bay, but no cure is in sight. Who has unleashed this diabolical weapon upon the wizarding community? Is there any hope to stop this twisted plot? The answers to these questions lie in the brave and noble witches and wizards who must now stand up to solve this mystery and will sacrifice all in the name of the peace Harry Potter brought them...

DESPERATELY SEEKING: Rose Weasley, Leon Weasley, Irving Weasley, Ursula Ott, Bianca Peakes, Julielle Montague, 6th years, Hufflepuffs, all males, and MANY MORE. Apply today!

Amortentia is an Epilogue-era RPG that opened its doors on December 17th, 2007. The game runs in real time.