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The Last Enemy - OOC

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[21 Feb 2008|09:41pm]

Hey, guys! I'm going to be pretty scarce this weekend, so I will likely not be able to reply much, if at all. I'll try to be online, but it won't happen too much. See y'all on Monday! *loves*
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[13 Feb 2008|11:41pm]

[ music | M.I.A - Sunshowers ]

Hiya there guys! I'm Caitlin, or Puddles if you are so inclined, and I bring Cardoc Dearborn! He's a bit of a goofy guy. I think class clown would be a good enough way to describe him. He's 24 years old and works in the Ministry as an Obliviator. His goal in life is to save the maiden fair and all that crap as he suffers from a bit of a hero complex.

Oh, and John Krasinski (affectionately JKras) is his PB which is beyond awesome.

All his stuff is here. Friends, co-workers, aquaintances, enemies, some past/current relationships are always LOVE. I'm at puddlestheducky1 if you evar want me. :D


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[12 Feb 2008|07:29am]

[ mood | bored ]

I need something to dooooooooo

Anyone care to play/plot with Parvati, Susan or Mandy? They're in quite desperate need of interaction.

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[03 Feb 2008|11:48pm]

Unfortunately it seems like I just don't have the time nor the drive to keep up with TLE. It sucks because I've met such amazing people, but I also feel like I'm holding the game down by keeping two integral characters and not being able to keep up with them.

I wish you guys the best of luck and I know you're going to get an amazing person(s) in here to fill Sirius and Bellatrix. =D

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[30 Jan 2008|05:58pm]

Hello! I'm Jessie, and bringing you Katie Bell. :D I'm new to this game, my IM is xRESSIEx if anyone wants to plot or anything, I'm friendly I swear! lol Katie needs friends and plottage, anyone up for anything? :D

Her Personality from App )

Up until now she's been out cold in St. Mungo's and is very confused about being in this era at the moment. So anyone blunt enough to explain it to her, feel free! XD
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[25 Jan 2008|04:06pm]

I'm going to be out of town all day tomorrow for my advisor's memorial service in Cleveland. However -- if anyone would like to run into a cantankerous Snape in the halls, just let me know. Will be home on Sunday or whenever is good. *g*

Our little drama queen hasn't had a chance to be... well... himself.... :D
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[24 Jan 2008|04:30pm]

Hi!! So I'm relatively new to the game, and haven't really gotten a chance to get to know anyone yet. I'm interested in RPing with just about anyone, as long as it's relatively plausible. So, please just drop a note and I'll love to RP.
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[23 Jan 2008|11:39am]

Hey guys, I'm really sorry to do this but some things have come up in RL that are going to prevent me from having anywhere near enough time to play. I don't think it's fair to hold on to such an important character and not play him nearly as often as he should. My personal journal's [info]_iamthewalrus and my screen name's not going anywhere so if you want to keep in touch, please do! I'll mis you all and hope to see you around!
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Love quiz amusement. [22 Jan 2008|08:55pm]

Have your characters take them to find out what they are. This amused me for hours. xD

Frank )

Rabastan )

Peter )

Michael )
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[22 Jan 2008|07:22pm]

hey guys! As most of you would know already, I'm just halfway through my very hectic and excruciatingly slow week. I still have one tedious lab session tomorrow and then two exams on Thursday. So I'll be just lost in a few days more - or so, xD I miss you guys already!!!! >.< But I'll be back as soon as I get home from my exams. LoL!

hearts and all,
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[18 Jan 2008|06:42pm]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Okay, Bee is HIGHLY bored, and needs plot, so anyone feel like playing with Mandy, Susan or Vati?

Pretty please? I promise cookies!

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[16 Jan 2008|09:09am]

So. Hello! I'm JJ. New to the game and all that jazz. This here is my girl, Andromeda Tonks. As I'm sure everyone already knows, she's the blasted-off-the-family-tree-for-marrying-someone-not-possibly-related-to-her Black sister. Andy's from the 1978 era, so she's twenty-five and currently working in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. She's also quite fond of her five year old daughter, Ted Tonks, crosswords, and baking without starting fires. (The latter doesn't usually happen. :/)

My AIM is liberate the day if anyone wants to get in touch with me for plottage or what have you.
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[13 Jan 2008|01:43pm]

Tweak says, "WEASLEY-WEASLEY! "

That was his real message just now so I had to post it!
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[13 Jan 2008|11:07am]

Umm hello! I be Angy, which is short for Anglachel. I'm going to be playing [?] Anthony Goldstein. But you can call him Tony. He's a sweet sort, if a bit of a cynic and far too sarcastic for his own good. He's a bit quiet first, but get to know him well enough and I'm sure he'll pipe up.

Well, let's see… about me. I'm seventeen, a senior in high school, and a proud nerd. My aim is: evilsithqueen. I live in California, and I enjoy reading, writing, and biking. I enjoy Toblerone, pasta, and the company of amusing people. Contact me anytime you want, my email address is I love talking and plotting, so just drop me a line if you're interested. xD
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[11 Jan 2008|08:20pm]

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[11 Jan 2008|04:35pm]

I feel so bad.

I want to still  be in TLE so much but since I have been inactive for so long now I feel so lost I have no idea where to jump back in.  I have been thinking it would be best for me if I dropped Andie and applied for a totally new character so I can start new.

I want to know if that is okay with Lexi and the other mods.  I know I can be active with a new character when I don't feel so lost like I do now.
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[09 Jan 2008|11:17pm]

Two things....maybe three but I can't remember because I'm running on no sleep.

1. I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! Which means I will be around far more often to plot and chat and all that good stuff again. This also leads me to my second point, which is probably more exciting.

2. I FOUND MY MUSE AGAIN! Yes, it took me a long time and I'm very sorry about that but I hope that it doesn't happen again. He's back and skeptical and snuggly and about to get very fuzzy on Sunday :D And ther is most definitely a third thing now that I think about it...

3. I will be all by myself until Sunday. With nothing to do except a very short training thing on Friday so I am all of yours for almost three whole days. I'm very excited, and need to find the rest of my desk top stuff that I brought home with me so I can actually move back to school.

Yay! I'm also about to put up an open thread for Mister Lupin unless someone has something specific they'd like to do. Also! Hello New People I've Been Neglecting Because My Hiatus of Doom! I am Lauren and I am Crazy.

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[05 Jan 2008|11:42am]

Okay I am officially back but with only Andromeda Tonks for now. It will be much easier on me to only have to focus on one person instead of two.

I know that we have had lotssssss of Black family members join which makes me happy!

We have both Bella's now which I am so ecstatic about. Andie is going to try to talk to them and make up. I am sure they won't be as..receptive as she would like but yeah..she will try!

I also see we may get a Regulus which I am soooo soo happy about!

So what have I missed out on while I was busy and such? I feel lost.
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[05 Jan 2008|02:36pm]

Dearies! I've been in and out for the past week, and I'm so sorry for that! I had a recital and still had the jitters of it. My fingers got blisters because of my violin! Now who wants to thread with my Rodolphus? XD Just, I am unable to use my AIM right now. so email me or whut, XD irocktheshow [at] gmail [dot] com , I wunna plaaay my Roddy now... LoL!
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[04 Jan 2008|09:22pm]

Okay i decided I am going to drop Hestia Jones for now and just stick witch Andie since there are so many of her family members around so more rping opportunities.

If I have time I will reapply for Hestia.
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