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December 28th, 2007

[info]unboundmemories in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Looking for some psl...

Check the journal.

I have a few pairings I'd love to try: (Who I play on right)
Matt Shadows//Valary Dibenedetto
Synyster Gates//Valary Dibenedetto
Jensen Ackles//Michelle Dibenedetto
Dean Winchester//Sam Winchester

Sl ideas can be found in this journal, if nothing interests you, or you have a pairing you'd like to try, feel free to im me at twlight memories to discuss.

[info]ex_horizons67 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Pitch x Rules x FAQ x App x Held x Ensemble x Contact/F-Button

Horizons is a new X-Men game, which has many mature themes. Slash Friendly. Different and fun variety.

PREMISE The story of the superhuman team known as the X-Men is long and complicated. There have been deaths, and rebirths, body switching and space travel. Characters have come and gone, new teams have formed, and the baddies have become the goodies. But how did it all begin?

At the dawn of the silver age of mutation, Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier decided to band together in order to shelter young people, gifted just like themselves, from a world of prejudice. At the time, they both shared an ideal of mutants being able to coexist with the rest of society in peace. With these similar goals, they wished to give a sense of hope to the next generation. Using Xavier's ancesteral home, located at 1407 Greymalkin Lane, they planned to rescue and take care of those the world considered a growing problem--mutants. Remember, this is a time without cerebro, a time without the initial "Xavier's School for Higher Learning", without the danger room, and without the reputation of the famed X-Men. The basement is not yet covered in chrome. Field uniforms have not yet been sown. No, this is the very beginning. Charles and Erik are still great allies, where in the unjustified future, all of that could change. Their only goal now is to help individuals whom experience no control over their powers, with no desire to be what some would call a "freak". It is both men that wish to help these young adults know that being beyond the status of simply homo sapien is a godsend, a gift. Remaining at Xavier's, these adults whom most have graduated high school, are welcome to live. In an effort to control such talents, they would need to be under the watchful eyes of both Erik and Charles. The world does not yet know the name Magneto, does not yet fear the most renouned mutant terrorist that history will have to offer. There have been no threats to destroy the world, no celestial forces imposing themselves on adolescent girls. We take you back to a humbled beginning. Everything else is on the distant horizons.

PLOT ROOM There are so many things we could do with our game, its really a top reason why you SHOULD join. Endless directions and sub plots. For sure we want to develop cerebro, the danger room, receive the X-Jet, Experience the break up of erik and charles, feel the birth of the Brotherhood of Evil, and feel the heat of the glory days, of the X-MEN! Lots of room for character plot, since we're stripping back down to their basic histories. Lots of options, loads of opportunities. play your favourite characters the way you want to see them played.

WOULD LOVE TO HAVE Scott Summers, CYCLOPS, Emma Frost, WHITE QUEEN, Robert Drake, ICEMAN, Warren Worthington III, AVENGING ANGEL, Sean Cassidy, BANSHEE, Samuel Guthrie, CANNONBALL, Wanda Maximoff, SCARLET WITCH, Mortimer Toynbee, TOAD, James Proudstar, THUNDERBIRD, "Logan", WOLVERINE, and SO MANY MORE! Request a hold RIGHT NOW!!

HORIZONS is a AU X-Men game, which is greatly influenced from both comic and movie aspects, but it is a medley of our own happenings. GAME OPENS AFTER TWELVE APPLICANTS!

[info]rising_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Brand new pb game opening in the new year.

[info]aftertherising Set in the near future and concerning a small group of survivors of a zombie outbreak.

I'm still working on the site, tweaking the rules and creating sub communities etc but there's enough info up to explain the game. There's no application up yet and there won't be until the game opens in january but you can get your holds now and that way you have the entire holiday season to flesh out your character, prettify your journal and make icons etc.

The storylines community [info]atr_storylines is now open. Please feel free to join and enquire about/beg for storylines while you’re awaiting the grand opening.

[info]despair_mod_d in [info]fantasy_rpgs

| Rules | Other Useful Information | Application | Character List |

Most Wanted: Lucius Malfoy, Viktor Krum, Hannah Abbot, Gregory Goyle, Muggleborns, Death Eaters, Half-bloods!

Plot )

Contact Information )

[info]dc_marvel_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

DC vs. Marvel (Coming Soon)

Yeah, you know it was coming. Consider this a teaser

All characters open.

[info]mods_or in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Do you want to rewrite the past?

Were you unhappy with Deathly Hallows? Did the epilogue leave you shouting, "WHAT?!" Are you angry about what happened to Snape? Still upset that Sirius died in OotP? Do you simply feel let down, ripped off, betrayed, heartbroken, or just wistful over what could have been? Or maybe you loved the book, but you still don't want to see it all end?

With magic, almost anything is possible. We can change things. We have the power.

Operation Redo
Characters | How To Join | The Story So Far
We have moved to InsaneJournal!
Current Player Count: 20 // Current Character Count: 35

Come play with us!

Operation Redo is an AU Harry Potter game that combines the Trio and Marauders eras by sending twelve students from the books into the past. We've been around since 2004, but now that there won't be any more new canon to throw us for a loop, we've decided to start over with a clean slate. Therefore, we have many characters up for adoption (see below). The game is het/slash/femslash/adult content friendly, though we concentrate on plot rather than 'ships.

( Detailed Premise )

Needed Characters:

Ron Weasley! )

[info]vampyretegan in [info]fantasy_rpgs

[info]houseofnight A Pete Wentz pb for any sort of storyline. I'm not looking for anything more than what you're willing to offer. Besides we already know he makes an A+ vampire.

[info]tentmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

LOST rpg.

rules : application : taken characters : wanted characters : friend all

What if Season 2 was altered? Michael Dawson waited till the hatch was empty, there were no deaths. Benjamin Linus a.k.a. Henry was freed, and Michael shot himself to make it look like he struggled and Ben got away, which he did. Now the list of people, Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Libby and Ana-Lucia are the ones that need to go to the Others' camp. Held against their will and blind folded up until that one moment. The one question was, how did these people escape their fate? What is the island's fate?

Season 3 now is going to get very dangerous... it's up the Losties on the other side to figure out what's going on. But what if fate can't be altered? What if everything happens for a reason.



[info]wao_johnson in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Running since July 7th, 2007, Wands and Order is an incredibly active RP, centering mostly around the Ministry and the Magical world's criminal dealings. Think elements of the West Wing and Law and Order mixed with the absolute insanity of the Wizarding government. Currently we're looking for characters of all shapes and sizes, though we absolutely desire Remus Lupin! He would have plot immediately upon entering the game if desired!!

If you've any questions, the Mods can be reached at AIM: Wandsandorder, or at Email: wandsandorder@gmail.com. Email is likely your best bet.

[info]aftermmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


RulesExtended PlotCharacter ListingApplicationPlayed By'sNewbie GuideMod Journal


<td>After Midnight is a post-Hogwarts game set in the year 2004. It is HBP-canon compliant and AU after that. However, the canon will be followed as close as possible. DH's Epilogue does not exist for this game. Children, relationships, deaths and the like from the ending of HBP forward can be disregarded.

The Second War has come and gone. Voldemort is a thing of the past. After the ending of the second war many people moved on with their lives.. marriage, children, careers, and everything those who took part in the war worked so hard for were abundant. Some, mainly the Voldemort supporters, had to go into hiding for fear of being sent to Azkaban. Peace and tranquility came over the Wizarding World; however, that's all about to change. . . The Muggles have always been a what if subject. What if they discover us? What if they manage to cross into our world and what if we are forced to go to war with them? Most ignore this what if, but Purebloods have always been weary of losing the only world they have ever known to them. In August of 2003.. it happened. Somehow the Muggles managed to cross the barriers between the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds. Chaos ensued immediately. Peace and tranquility were a thing of the past. Rash kidnappings of wizards and witches took place. Brutal beatings, posionings, and many other cruelties affected the Wizarding World within the first few months of discovery. The Death Eaters finally had enough and stormed the Ministry, taking control of it once more. More and more Wizards and Witches of all blood types are aligning with the Blood Purist DEs.

Now is the time to choose. Will you stand with those who worked so hard to keep the Wizarding World hidden at any cost? Will you stand with those who tortured and killed your family and friends for so many years? Or will you stand with those who think the Muggles aren't so bad? Will you stand with those who were loyal to the Order at all costs? Will you stand by the mediators- those who are trying to come to some sort of agreement so the two Worlds can live together peacefully? Is it even possible anymore?
Are you willing to risk your life to ensure that there is a future? Will you cower in fear or refuse to align with past enemies? Or will you take a stand for your lifestyle and World?

the choice is yours. . .CHOOSE WISELY

[info]ex_dus401 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

attention mods, players, and rpg lovers!


Mods: Are you tired of having to promote your game in multiple promotional communities? Players: Are you tired of seeing the same games promoted and want to see all the games that are being offered on IJ?

Everyone and anyone can use [info]rpgindex!

The purpose of this community is to index all role playing games that are currently on InsaneJournal and are open for new members. Each game requested to be indexed will be put into the Master Index, an entry that will list all RPGs on IJ in alphabetical order by name, and will also be put under seperate entries of a specific characteristic pertaining to the game.

If you want to play in a game whose main setting is in an apartment or communal city living, you can look under that specific entry and see all of the games that are being offered. Are you a Harry Potter Universe player and want to see all of the games availible? You will be able to check under that specific entry, too.

This list will be maintained by yours truly and no one else will be able to post to this community. There will not be new advertisements posted daily because no one has to do that! The owner or moderator does not have to be the one to request the community be put on the list, either. Players, help out your mods by doing a different kind of promotion for them!

Once I receive requests, I will post the individual entries for the specific characteristics.

Any important notices will be posted for those that watch the community.

To request to index a community: Go to the Request for Index Entry.