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December 27th, 2007

[info]btdmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A Twilight RPG

Premise | Characters/PBs | Application | Vampires | Werewolves

Opened: 19th October, 2007

[info]riri5x5 in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Supernatural RPG Ad

Moved from GJ!

``Dad wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people... hunting things - the family business.`` - Dean Winchester

T H E         S T O R Y
Twenty-two years ago, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father John raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America... and he taught them how to kill it.

Sam, however, wanted nothing to do with this violent and dangerous life, and he left it behind until the day Dean appeared on his doorstep with troubling news. Their father had gone missing on a ``hunting trip.``

Sam and Dean have spent the last year cruising the highways of the United States in their 1967 Chevy Impala, searching for their lost father. Along the way, they battled various supernatural threats, and each other as well, for their sibling rivalries and conflicts were never far from the surface. Finally, they found their father, just as he was closing in on the demon who claimed their mother. After a climactic confrontation, the demon escaped, leaving the three Winchester men in dire shape.

So the Winchesters' mission continues. They travel the country, encountering creatures that most people believe exists only in folklore, superstition and nightmares -- vampires, spirits, revenants, reapers, even bloody clowns.

Wherever they go, the brothers continue their search for the demon that destroyed their family. During their last confrontation, the demon said he had plans for ``Sam and all the children like him.``

With Sam having died in a twisted game to find ``the one`` to lead an army from Hell, and Dean sacrificing his life with only a year to live. Now Sam must also decipher what this means and uncover the dark secrets buried within his own past and within his family's history, and to save his brother before his soul is doomed to rest in Hell alongside their father.

With the Devil's Gate having been opened: what will happen throughout their journey?

This is where fans unite to tell that tale of the Winchester Brothers that were never shared with the world.

  • Rules
  • Taken/Held/Wanted
  • F.A.Q.
  • Application
  • [info]rising_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    Brand new pb game opening in the new year.

    [info]aftertherising Set in the near future and concerning a small group of survivors of a zombie outbreak.

    I'm still working on the site, tweaking the rules and creating sub communities etc but there's enough info up to explain the game. There's no application up yet and there won't be until the game opens in january but you can get your holds now and that way you have the entire holiday season to flesh out your character, prettify your journal and make icons etc.

    The storylines community [info]atr_storylines is now open. Please feel free to join and enquire about/beg for storylines while you’re awaiting the grand opening.

    [info]vampyretegan in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    [info]houseofnight Pete Wentz pb for some sort of a storyline? Or more holds in general. I'd like to see this place get started.

    [info]vampyretegan in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    [info]houseofnight Now accepting applications! [info]hon_sls for all of your storyline needs.

    [info]rpgqueen in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    Years have passed since the time of war and as the second generation grow in age, so do their children. The third generation have now the chance to experience Hogwarts at it's finest. Pressure is now on to get good marks and the ever exciting magic life is just ahead for them. The tension of relationships are now on their shoulders as they laugh with friends, fight with school enemies and love their loved ones. How this year pans out for them is in their hands and their future is about to be set out for them. Will the Third Generation succeed in their goals for this year? Time will tell.

    [info]thethird RPG is a game based around the third generation's life at Hogwarts and their parents' life outside. No huge plot has been added yet and most likely will not be because not everything bad is going to happen all the time. This game will solely be based on how they deal with relationships, friendships and school rivalry, and even school throughout the year. Events such as Balls and such will occur throughout their time. Plots for characters of events that could happen in real life will also occur. For example, deaths, accidents, divorces, births, bad marks, pressure to do good at school etc.

    Welcome to [info]thethird
    rules // characters // gen. 2 pairings & children
    taken/banned pbs // application // contact a player //
    mods // pb trouble? // quidditch teams // suggestions
    OPENS JANUARY 1st 2008

    At the moment, the search for 3 more Mods are in action. To apply once you are part this RP, go here.

    [info]xprojectmods in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    X-Project: X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal

    Website | Application | Taken/Banned/Available | Game History | Game Wiki | Now Playing | Rules | FAQ | Contact Us

    X-Project is a Livejournal X-Men Movieverse game which began in May 2003. It is based on continuity established in the first and second movies (by necessity, the third movie does not exist), and relies on a combination of in-character journals and e-mail/AIM-based logs.

    There is something for everyone in X-Project, whether a fan of the comics, movies, or just someone with a passing interest in exciting interaction. The game balances the intense world of the X-Men's activities with the interpersonal relationships formed by having two teams of mutant activists - the X-Men and X-Force - operating in conjunction with a school for young mutants learning to control their abilities.

    Most of all, X-Project is a chance for both participants and readers to enjoy innovative and cooperative storytelling in an ever-changing setting.

    No OCs. Check out the list of open characters, or consider apping someone new. Students 14-17 especially welcome.


    Warren Worthington III, known among the X-Men as the high-flying Angel, is the only son of wealthy parents. A little naive about the workings of the world, Warren was one of the school's earlier students and returned as a teacher and X-Man, having gained his law degree. He also found love at the school - a relationship with Piotr Rasputin - and the 26-year-old is currently at the West Coast Annex. His family ties are in New York, however, and the school has a habit of drawing people back.

    If you are interested in applying for the above character, a full previous history can be found on the X-Project Wiki. Or, email the mods. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Wanted Characters )

    [info]rainymonday in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    It’s the beginning of the school year, 1997, when the first leaf falls to the ground. It was almost like everything was back to normal. The year before had become a distant memory as the students of Hogwarts returned to school with nothing to focus themselves on besides the every constant rumors that floated through the hallways, their social lives and, of course, actual schoolwork. Voldemort is gone, though some of his followers are still on the run or keeping to themselves to avoid attention. It’s almost as though it’s become another era, a happier one.

    Without a war to worry about, the student body keeps itself busy by paying closer attention to the latest gossip or scandal going around the school, passing notes or sharing comments through their journals. New friendships and relationships are made, and Hogwarts has never been quite like this before.

    Set in the trio's seventh year, RIDDIKULUS focuses on the school life and social interactions of the Harry Potter characters. We have a diverse cast, raging from those who thrive on gossip, to those who prefer to keep to themselves and their schoolwork, to the ones who love creating mayhem for the heck of it... and everything in between.

    → Following up where SNOGGERS left off, this game is canon up until HBP with details of the end of the war from Deathly Hallows. Everyone deceased from DH are void and up for grabs.

    [info]conquermod in [info]fantasy_rpgs

    A PostWarts MWPP-Era RPG


    The year is 1979 and the war against Voldemort is in full swing. Each new day is filled with the news about another death, another disappearance. The Ministry is struggling to keep it's head above the rising tide of the Death Eaters, and it doesn't look good. No one is safe from accusations of Death Eater involvment, although few Death Eaters are recognized for who they truly are.

    But in the midst of everything, there is a beacon of hope. A prophecy has been made, one that fortells of Voldemort's destruction. A child, to be born at the end of July will be the savior of the wizarding world, born to parents who have "thrice defied" Lord Voldemort. It is yet unclear who this points to (although we all know who), but only two couples have defied Him more than once: James and Lily Potter and Frank and Alice Longbottom, and both Lily and Alice are pregnant with the same due date: July 31.

    Although the Order knows of the prophecy, a spy also informed the Death Eaters. Armed with this information, Voldemort has two options: Kill both expectant mothers or wait and see which seems to be the more likely threat. With his suspicions on the Potters, what will he do when Harry is born not at the end of July, but on the first of August?

    MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: Death Eaters in general, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Frank Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Alastor Moody, and Peter Pettigrew. Many other characters are available as well!