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December 14th, 2007

[info]anomaly in [info]fantasy_rpgs

Brand New Original Character RP!

It's 2007. Approximately twenty years ago, mutants began surfacing in nearly every continent on the globe. No one quite knew the reason, governments not quite sure what to do, public response varying from support, to indifference, to utter hatred. In the United States, mutant communities began forming in the larger cities, pockets for solace and peace of mind from the ever-threatening "normal world". One such area appeared in New York City, at the center of which stood the mutant-oriented club "The Haven".

[Apply] [Characters] [NPCs] [Rules]
[OOC Community] [IC Community] [Taken and Banned PBs]

[info]delanuit in [info]fantasy_rpgs

A Supernatural community set in the state of New Jersey.
All writing formats are welcomed!
Slash is fine.
Threading and AIM.
You may come in pairs.

[info]delanuitsls is open to everyone to discuss storylines before you apply or while your application is pending.

Rules|Character & PB List|Application|

[info]mehay_mod in [info]fantasy_rpgs


Premise::Rules::Taken/Held/Wanted::Application::Cast::Player Info/Friends Button (f-locked)

In a world home to not only humans, the decendants of the Dasi tribesmen flourish. They come in many shapes and sizes, both feathered and scaled. The Avians have built their tall towers, ruled over by the hawk family of Shardae. With a love for stories and song, they go about their lives with a reserve they are famous for. The Serpiente, worshipers of the goddess Ahnhamirak, tantalize viewers with their passionate dance. Their rulers, the Cobriana, are known for their fairness, and swift justice. For thousands of years, they have lived seperatley. For thousands of years, they have lived at war.

That has all changed. Irene Cobriana, sister of Arami Zane Cobriana, traveled to Hawk's Keep to propose peace. After the marrige of Tuuli Thea Danica Shardae, and Zane, Diente of the serpiente, they believed that the last arrow had fallen. More trials followed, however, as assasin's tried to begin the war anew. The peace that finally came was shakey at best, both sides waiting for the other to fail. They continued to live in their seperate homes, only the bravest of merchants and scholars daring to travel between the two courts.

Still, they waited for the day that hte quiet would snap. That day came with the arrival of Syfka, a falcon. Although the original members of the serpiente and avian clans were all long dead, the ruling falcons were those who had been given forms by Leben himself. Avian and serpiente knew that, if the island of Ahnmik declared war, there would be no victory. That was not the case, however. Syfka came only to find a runaway, a falcon who had kept himself disguised for years. She found not one, but two. After much debate and heartache, Kel and Anderios were bound to their avian forms, to remain at with the divided races. It was during this time that Danica Shardae discovered that she was with child.

From that child sprang a new hope. Wyvern's Court was built on the dreams of lasting peace. Avians and Serpients both came to build new homes, and a new future. Oliza Shardae-Cobriana was named Heir to the Tuuli Thea, and Arami. She would be the first to rule both races. Nicias Silvermead, son of Kel and Rei, was named Wyvern of Honor, and acted as a guard for Oliza. He was forced away, though, when his falcon magic, thought bound by the spells on his parents, suddenly came to life. He left for the island of Ahnmik, where he was embraced as a prince. Upon his return, he brought with him a threat to the court: quemak'la'Hai, daughter of Anjay Cobriana, and technical heir to the throne. She wasn't much of a threat, however, crippled and burned by magic. It was only through a small miracle that she was lucid at all.

That is where we stand. Wyvern's Court is a place of tedious peace and trapped tension. Is it only a matter of time before one side breaks? Or will Wyvern's Court become the falcon's worst nightmare, and thrive?

[[This is an RPG based on the Keisha'ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. If this interests you, please apply! Game is set to open once more character applications have been submitted]]

[info]tle_mods in [info]fantasy_rpgs


In anticipation of Harry Potter losing the protection of his relatives on his seventeenth birthday, hours before his death, Albus Dumbledore created a spell that could save the lives of thousands and change the course of magical history. It is a spell that on 31 July 1997, unexpectedly sends Harry, Dumbledore's Army, and the Order of the Phoenix back in time to the year 1978. There they are tasked with meeting up with the original Order, sharing the knowledge of the Horcruxes, and doing everything in their power to defeat the Dark Lord. Question is, will it be enough? And will the original members be able to handle news of their fates? Some discover they have died, others meet themselves alive and twenty years older, but they all have one thing in common: a desire to destroy Lord Voldemort.

Except there was one small glitch. They weren't the only ones sent back. Friends, loved ones, and enemies have also been sent back, and they, too, are armed with knowledge of the future. Instead of being the covert operation Dumbledore was expecting, it has turned into a race against time.

It is 1978 -- three years before Harry Potter defeats the Dark Lord, three years before Lily and James Potter die to protect their son, and three years before Sirius Black is framed for thirteen murders that Peter Pettigrew commits. But they're not just here to save their own lives. They're here to change the course of history.

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.



[info]the_last_enemy [info]tle_ooc [info]tle_mods