August 16th, 2020

[info]witched in [info]fandom_psls

I am binge watching CAOS again (and it is officially spooky season, fight me) and I would LOVE something with 'brina here. Loving the idea of AUing CAOS and Harry Potter together, so if anyone would be interested in something like that hit me up. I can see her meshing well with Marauder's, Trio, or NextGen eras. Something against Severus would make my day.

Speaking of Harry Potter, I have a Lily Evans I want to toss against people! Severus is my favorite, but I am open to other pairings or gen stuff!

I would also love to find a Prudence or Nick for my Sabrina. Also open to any other crossovers that people might be interested in!

[info]rotting in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone from the american gods fandom want to come join me at [info]crownplaza?

[info]sarcasticteen in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone out there play Derek Hale? Lydia Martin or Malia Tate? Also looking for a Scott McCall.

[info]custardcreams in [info]fandom_psls

I would love to see the following people at [info]crownplaza and/or [info]digitalmod:

Dhawan!Master, previous regenerations of the Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, Graham, Bill, Clara*, Amy, Rory, Donna, Martha, Rose, the Rani, the Corsair, Turlough, Tegan, Nyssa, Jamie, etc.

*Clara is already at digital mod.

[info]hates_sand in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in playing Cal Kestis in a completely AU universe where he was a student at the Jedi temple when Anakin first arrived? The two becoming friends and then eventually more (possible Force bond) during the line?

May 2024



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