May 1st, 2020

[info]bringhonor in [info]fandom_psls

I've got some loose canon inspired and straight up AU psl ideas in this journal for Bucky Barnes. A lot of them are Stucky related, but a good bit could be wiggled around for other characters as well. Open to Slash and Het with accompanying smut as the story progresses. I could probably be convinced to play against Bucky, as well, if you've got one. Willing to combine and/or discuss all ideas. Contact post is screened, ideas post is not, for your comfort. Not seeking anything too dark but a good dose of hurt/comfort is acceptable.

[info]aghoststory in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for some friends for the friendliest little ghost over at [info]vallomod. She's doing alright but would enjoy some people she actually knows. So basically any of the Antfam (Jan! Hope! Scott! Pym...?? Bill Foster ❤️... uh even a Cassie could be fun?) Edit: Hope found!

And then for an even bigger reach, I also play Melissa Gold/Songbird ([info]doremimi) over there too. Any of her Thunderbolts frenemies could be fun from any iteration of the team like Karla or Abe or Jolt or hell even 616 Ghost, or anyone from the AIM Avengers that she worked with like Roberto/Sunspot or Wiccan or even Squirrel Girl lol. I'd especially love to play with a 616 Clint that is familiar with his Thunderbolts history because I really enjoy their ongoing friendship. She'd also be fun to play against any of the MCU equivalents of her various teammates. IDK casting a wide a net as possible with this one.

While I'm at it, anyone play Champions characters? I've been considering bringing Nadia Van Dyne into that game, but it'd be more fun if I could round up any of her teammates like Kamala, Miles, Nova, Riri, Amadeus or her darling Viv.

And if you're looking for PSLs instead of games for the characters mentioned above, I'm open for that too. Feel free to hit me up here, my contact post, or on discord if you wanna discuss anything.

May 2024



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