June 12th, 2019

[info]thefirstlioness in [info]fandom_psls

I just joined ~[info]saveatlantis with Alanna of Trebond (song of the lioness book series for any who might remember her!) and I had a crazy idea about other 'lion' related characters possibly showing up in Atlantis. Looking at you, Lannisters.

[info]nrom in [info]fandom_psls

you guessed it! looking for some post-endgame au psls for nat here. tony is most wanted, but i also have ideas for steve, peggy, clint, peter, pepper, carol, and maybe thor or loki. i really just want to play her so i could be open to different ideas and timelines!

[info]mstiles in [info]fandom_psls

I know you like, just saw another one of me but this muse crawled out of his hell hole. He's technically in [info]daybreaktown but I won't say no to a psl.

Stiles, still possessed by the nogitsune. We've got a couple Supernatural guys that are ready to help him once he starts remembering things but he really needs a best friend who can maybe kick his butt if they gotta before things get out of his control again. Or you know. Just give him some hugs when he starts thinking he's losing his mind, you know. Derek, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Allison, Kira, idk everyone. I promise he won't kill anyone this time around.

I also think we need some vampires and werewolves in general like where are all those guys?

[info]themostwise in [info]fandom_psls

ignore the icon (or not), but would anyone be interested in a founders line with rowena ravenclaw? canon or ocs would work and i'd love to transition through the years, from younger to older!

May 2024



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