August 30th, 2018

[info]clearhearted in [info]fandom_psls

these are pretty much all longshots, but if anyone would be interested in any of the following for a psl i'd love to work something out! i listed who i'd especially like to play some of the characters against but those are just my otps and not concrete pairings, and i'll consider crossovers and original characters of course too. i do have ideas to brainstorm on for any of my own originals i have listed, so they're not just empty, bland robots, i promise!

final fantasy: seifer almasy
resident evil: claire redfield
silent hill: heather mason
fear/the walking dead: alicia clarke, original female
supernatural: original female
mirai nikki/future diary: yuno gasai
life is strange: chloe price
galerians: original female

[info]dsalvatore in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire Diaries? Finally watching it on Netflix

Probably a long shot buuuuut looking for a Bonnie to play against for all those months that Damon and her were lost in the 90's. I've only seen the episodes up until Damon was set free from the 90's, so I don't know what happens after that, but I'm assuming it shouldn't matter, especially if we're going AU! I think it might be fun to fill in that gap in the timeline of what they were up to.

Possibility for it to swing romantic.

[info]fadingsun in [info]fandom_psls

Any Yuri!!! On Ice fans out there? Looking for a Victor or a Yuuri, either or! Someone come cry about how wonderful this show is with me.

May 2024



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