April 28th, 2018

[info]inhumanskye in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to get a couple of PSLs for Daisy/Skye. I have ideas that could incorporate the events of Infinity Wars (yes I have seen it) or we can go completely AU. Mostly looking for het for her really. Would love a Steve, Bucky or Peter Quill if we're talking movies, others are good too. From AoS I'd love a Ward (I have a very specific idea based around Infinity Wars here so it would be super AU for them) or almost any other character from the show. Hit me up here or in the screened post in the journal.

[info]soldierforward in [info]fandom_psls

Like many others, I saw it and now have some feels. I am happy to play around and through what happened or do something else, but have the feels.

Looking to play Stephen Strange against a Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, maybe Loki, open to other Avengers (or Guardians) or an OMC
Looking to play Bucky Barnes against a Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, T'Challa, open to other Avengers (or Guardians) or an OMC

[info]clarkegriffins in [info]fandom_psls

with the 100 back on, I have so much muse again and would love some psls/gpsls. I play - (who I'm looking for will be in here)

Clarke (bellamy, lexa, octavia, raven, murphy)
Octavia (lincoln, clarke, raven, bellamy)
Raven (bellamy, clarke, murphy, octavia)
Murphy (emori, bellamy, clarke, raven, monty)

[info]siriuso in [info]fandom_psls

I would like all the Potter psls or gpsls, please. I'm seeking things for Sirius here, Remus, Lily, Narcissa, Hermione, Harry, Scoripus, Rose, Albus Potter and Albus Dumbledore. Open to shipping, gen, different eras, redos and even time travel type of things.

[info]james_t_kirk in [info]fandom_psls

Star Trek Reboot

Spock, Bones, Pike, or Khan for this guy? Very slash friendly!

[info]coconutmetal in [info]fandom_psls

I have Tony and Thor and I'm seeing you-know-what tomorrow.

Slash/het welcome, but I'm far pickier with het!

May 2024



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