January 22nd, 2018

[info]kellymaxwell in [info]fandom_psls

Just got done watching Thor Ragnarok and this might be a bit far fetched, but I am willing to cross fandoms with Kelly for something with either Thor or Loki because they were absolutely hilarious, and the mischief alone would be fun.

[info]rpforever in [info]fandom_psls

Just looking for some lines to get back into the swing of things after a bit of a hiatus! Nothing fancy set up in the journal because I'm just shit at that kind of stuff. Not necessarily up on anything mainstream either, but I have a couple of oldie, but goodies.

Harry Potter is always a go to favorite. I tend to prefer Marauder era, but can be flexible depending on who you want to play around with. I can play just about anyone but Harry. Don't ask me what it is about that kid, I just can't do it.

If anyone even plays in The Hunger Games fandom anymore, it's another one I don't mind playing around in. Would prefer OC's, but could work something playing Katniss possibly.

Anything supernatural. Vampires, werewolves the whole enchilada in that genre I like dabbling in if you have an idea or we can bounce some around.

The rest I doubt I'll get a hit on, so I'm just going to list some anime and if anyone plays in them too, great! Don't judge me, but Poke'mon is an old favorite, but I will tell you I'm only solidly familiar through say Ruby/Sapphire if we're talking games and a scattering of knowledge after the original seasons. Bleach, Soul Eater, Kill la Kill, Fate Zero/Stay Night, and Naruto just to name a few more.

[info]argentmatriarch in [info]fandom_psls

Something for Allison Argent?

[info]vyce in [info]fandom_psls

A bit of a longshot, but I'm currently looking for a Pokemon psl or two. (I may be open to something else in my IJ if that doesn't really appeal, but that's my main focus right now.) Check the journal for all info, and contact me there--screened for privacy--if interested. And if not, have a wonderful day and good fortune in finding a more suitable/appealing partner (be careful in the tall grass)!

May 2024



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