December 31st, 2017

[info]forceshields in [info]fandom_psls

[info]interregnum looking for cross fandom lines, would love to see other kids her age, love to see adult superheroes for mentor/role model lines, someone to explore the ruins with, someone to join her at something more mundane like work, hit up her screened post if you'd like to plot!

[info]jimmathy in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone still play in The Office fandom? I can play Jim, Dwight, Ryan or Michael depending on what you may be up for!

[info]nonlinier in [info]fandom_psls

looking for the tenth or eleventh doctor for any of the companions in my icons!

[info]scatterarrow in [info]fandom_psls

[info]interregnum Overwatch characters, report for duty.

[info]garchomp in [info]fandom_psls

I'd kill for a couple longterm PSLs in the following fandoms with some people that like to write. I'm up for het/slash/femme, and I love smut and character development equally.

- Dragon Age Inquisition: Dorian/Iron Bull, I'd also play my female mage Trevelyan against Cullen, or a female mage Lavellan against Solas. I have pretty cannon storylines in mind for both of those pairings. I also have a male warrior Trevelyan that I would play against anyone! Or we could both play OCs!
- Skyrim: I have a male Altmer mage, a female Nord thief, and a male Nord Warrior. I could also play some NPCs, depending on who!
- FFXII: I'd kill for a Balthier for a Fran/Balthier origin story line, but would also love to just play around in this world because it's so beautiful???
- FFXV: Prompto/Gladio preferred. I've been toying with the idea of an AU where Ravus is the Oracle that Noct is to marry.
- Shadow Hunters: A Jace for my Clary would be prime! I'd also happily take a Magnus or Alec against the other, and I'd play Isabelle against most characters.
- Pokemon: Typically OCs, but if anyone wanted to play Roark/Volkner I'd be doooown.

I love brainstorming, so if anything tickles your fancy drop me a line and we can work something out! Threading only, please.

May 2024



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