December 27th, 2017

[info]jedigirl in [info]fandom_psls

still seeking reylo!

[info]callingtoyou in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to sink my teeth into some Star Wars PSLs again! Please check out my journal to see who I play and what I'm looking for.

[info]fearisdeath in [info]fandom_psls

Clarke? Murphy? Raven? Octavia? Lexa?Random skaikru or grounders, past or present? I'm open to almost any kind of lines for him, slash/het/gen, crossovers/oc. The only thing I'm not looking for is joining a comm at this time..unless there's a gpsl he'd fit into.

[info]vader in [info]fandom_psls

I am here for all of your Kylo Ren needs.

I have some solid ideas for a Rey, Finn, Poe or a Hux.

[info]sbmrn in [info]fandom_psls

still searching for a moriarty for moran (bbc sherlock verse, please!)

[info]claraosw in [info]fandom_psls

All the emotions! Bring me twelve please for a PSL. Would also love eleven, ten, other doctors and other companions. Oh and Danny.

[info]sweetlilcherry in [info]fandom_psls

I'm rewatching PREACHER from the beginning and thought of an interesting concept to try out. I haven't read the comics so I'm not sure if this contradicts with that knowledge so if also only have watched the series on AMC, than that's awesomesauce.

I'd be interested in playing Genesis against Jesse Custer. Whether we play it out where Genesis escapes again and uses a different form to hunt him down (for fun, promise) or we can have it where that's how it started in the beginning (Genesis escaping the first time, able to find another vessel and communicating to Jesse that way). Het or slash is just dandy by me.

Just looking for the Preacher man who might be interested in a little walk off the usual path.

[info]italkfirst in [info]fandom_psls

Lines for Poe?

[info]dinahmadani in [info]fandom_psls

Billy Russo for my Dinah Madani? Also open to writing her against Frank Castle. I do have an idea or two floating around, but I'd definitely love to brain storm with someone. Lines that are more adult themed/smut based are perfectly okay. Journals only.

[info]tornfrompages in [info]fandom_psls

So many pairings of interest! Take a look at my journal here to view them.

Fandoms include:
.:| Star Wars
.:| Comics
.:| Mythology
.:| Bioshock Infinite
.:| Phantom of the Opera
.:| Pirates of the Caribbean
.:| Inception
.:| Buffy the Vampire Slayer
.:| Master & Commander
.:| Doctor Who
.:| Lost
.:| Repo the Genetic Rock Opera

...and more!

May 2024



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