October 28th, 2017

[info]winchedean in [info]fandom_psls

Sam for my Dean in a "wincest" storyline?

[info]vyce in [info]fandom_psls

Seeking a variety of things (would especially like a Pokemon line) and some largely lighthearted psls. Check the journal for all the needed info, and contact me there if interested.

[info]intransigeant in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for an OC husband in a next-gen era Harry Potter game at [info]cruorismods! The line comes with a family, a step family, and tons of plot! Over 14 months of established game play but always looking to add in more players! Most Wanted: Rose Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Fred II Weasley, Louis Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott-Longbottom, Blaise Zabini, Parvati Patil and more! Wanted lines here and place a hold here!

[info]indelible_ink in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for fantasy slash. Bring me some Harry Potter for my Remus Lupin or some queer slice-of-life, finding a new normal after the books end. Bring me some Lord of the Rings/the Hobbit for my Legolas, Merry, or Thorin Oakenshield, or even just random Dwarves or Hobbits or Elves or Men doing their thing in Middle-earth. Check the journal, there's a bunch of ideas and things floating around, and I'm happy to go AU, do all kinds of weirdness, whatever. You want modern day Bagginshield? I'm here for that.

Also keen for Star Wars, which is just space fantasy. I have a Cassian and a Poe. I'd love to see some Cassian/Bodhi stuff, and I believe in Poe/Finn. I'm willing to write Cassian/Jyn, too. Ground rule: everyone lives, dammit.

Open to threading, GDocs, and email. I'm a grad student, I'm generally available, and I love long-term lines.

[info]dwinches in [info]fandom_psls

Anything het for Dean Winchester? Crossovers welcome.

Would happily play him as something silly like his Gym Teacher role against one of the women of Vice Principals or a traveling salesman investigating Scranton or so many more possibilities. Feel free to toss something at me! It may stick!

[info]sweet_bea in [info]fandom_psls

Ok, so season two of Stranger Things has me so full of feels I don't even know what to do with them all.

I've got muses for Dustin, Sheriff Hopper, and Max... I'm looking for Eleven, Joyce, Nancy, Lucas, Mike, and of course BARB. Goal is to move them to a panfandom game.

C'mon folks. Let's do this.

May 2024



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